Chapter Eighteen: Underfell Part Two

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(Sans POV)

Once we were done making the outline I looked back at the screen to see Frisk talking to Chara! Then I heard Chara say, "Yep, he's probably using us an experiment to see how we react to all the other alternate universes and he might even teleport us to other timelines. But the one question I do have is how is he doing this all while still in the void." This was Gasters doing of course. I have to save Frisk and soon.

(Frisk's POV)

"Hey doll face who are you talking to." Underfell Sans asked. "Oh just myself," I responded. "Hey sweetheart has anyone ever told you that's rude to lie?" Underfell Sans asked as his right eye glowed red. "But I'm not lying," I replied. "Oh really," Underfell Sans said as he picked up Chara by the shirt. "Let her go Sans!" I demanded. "Oh so you can see Chara, so please tell me again doll face Who were you talking to?" Underfell Sans said, his eye started to glow because .

" *sigh* Chara," I responded. Then Underfell Sans almost hit me with bones, but instead they caged me. I got injured bad,  two bones were pieced in my arms, I started to bleed out. And all I could think was, 'I'll miss you Sans.' I started to cough up blood.

(Sans POV)

When I looked back at the screen I saw Frisk, in pain! "Frisk!" I yelled. I have to save her, I'll try to teleport there. "Sans d-don't, remember w-what happened l-last time!" Alphys yelled, but I ignored her. "T-this won't help a-anyone, if y-you die t-then w-what will h-happen to Frisk o-or Papyrus!" Alphys screamed. Then I stopped and fell to the ground in tears. I can't lose her, I can't lose my sunshine.

(Frisk's POV)

I was in so much pain, tears started to flood down my face. "I'll miss you Sans, I love you," I whispered as I coughed up more blood. Then Underfell Papyrus walked by. "Sans release that human immediately!" Underfell Papyrus demanded. "But boss," Underfell Sans whinned. "Now!" Underfell Papyrus comandaded. "Yes boss," Underfell Sans groaned as he released me. I couldn't move an inch. I miss the Sans that I know, he would have never done such a terrible thing to me.

Then a portal opened and I fell through, again. I was hoping it was home, but as luck would have it it wasn't home.

~ To be continued~

I'm so sorry for the super short chapter. See ya all tomorrow, bye😋

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