Chapter Eight: Feelings

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(Sans POV)

"So about what Chara said about me liking you, well, um," Frisk said as she started to get flustered and started to blush and so did I.

"It was, um, well it wasn't a-a lie," Frisk said. Then my whole entire face turned blue. "Hey kiddo," I said. "Ya Sans," Frisk answered back. "Knock knock," I said. "Who's there?!" Frisk responded back, with a smile. "Olive," I said. "Olive who," Frisk asked, still smiling. "O-live you," I said, blushing, pulling my hoodie over my head as much as possible.

Frisk just looked confused for a second but then she started to blush real hard. I guess she finally got it. Then Frisk said, "o-live you," and then the kiddo kissed me on the lips, it shocked me and made my hoodie fall. So I kissed her back.

Then the kiss ended. "So kiddo I guess we should look for Chara," I said while blushing and scratching the back of my head/skull.

(Frisk's POV)

I was blushing redder than a tomato, I can't believe I kissed Sans! He likes my too, yes! "Ya, ok," I said as we started to walk, well I was floating. "So um Sans, do you want to be b-boyfriend a-and g-g-girlfriend," I said, blushing really hard. "Of course I do kiddo," Sans said.

Then I started to hold his hand, it started to get foggy and I let go of San's hand, scared. "Hehe, sure is foggy isn't it Sans," I said, laughing nervously. "Sans?" I said, worried, darn it I lost him.

Then I finally found Chara, but she was about to finish off a Snowdrake, so I jumped in front of the Snowdrake. I got hit, but it just went through my body and the Snowdrake ran away.

"Oh! Hello Frisk, I actually wanted to talk to you," Chara said. "About what?" I asked. "I want your spirit," Chara said with a menacing smile. "But why," I asked curiously. "Because I don't want any evidence left of you, plus it will make me stronger. Or else I'll hurt the only other person that cares about you, your cousin," Chara said.

I gasped and then I said, " you wouldn't, you couldn't," I said, denying the fact that she might be able to hurt him. "I could and I would hurt him.

(Frisk's Flashback)

"Hey Frisk," my cousin said as he held two plates in his hand, then he handed one to me. Today was my parents funeral. "Thanks, Toby," I said as I grabbed the plate.

(Frisk's Flashbacks ends)

"If I give you my spirit will I die?" I questioned. "Yes, but didn't you come here to die," Chara said. "Do you promise not to hurt Toby," I asked. "I promise," Chara said. "Ok then it's a deal," I said, determined to protect Toby.

I was about to shake her hand, but then someone yelled, "don't do it Frisk." "Sans?" I said. "I'm sorry for this Sans, but I've never let the punishments of my decisions fall on anyone else but me and I'm not going to start now," I said as I looked back. Then Sans tackled me and we rolled on the snow for a bit. When we stopped Sans was on top of me, holding my arms down and was huffing. "Sorry *huff* kiddo but I'm not going to let you make this deal," Sans said.

"But I can't, I won't let my cousin get hurt because of me," I said. "And if you make this deal then I'll kill myself, plus Chara may not be able to hurt Toby." Sans said. Then I faded threw Sans and I got up and started to dust off my shorts. "Frisk please don't, I swear I'll kill myself if you do this kiddo, I need you kiddo. I can't lose you, I just can't," Sans said as he started to tear up and sat up with his hands on his head.

Then I looked back and I couldn't stand seeing Sans like that, so I walked over to him and crouched down and I hugged Sans. "Tick-tock Frisk we can't wait all day, so what will it be Frisk. Now or never," Chara said.

~To be continued~

What will Frisk choose? What will happen next? Find out more in Forbidden Love(Sans x Frisk) Whelp see ya all tomorrow,bye.😋

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