Chapter Twenty One: Frisk!

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(Frisk's POV)

I was toast, a broken heart dead person. Even though I knew that he wasn't my Sans he looked exactly like him, it hurt so much. I saw the gaster blasters getting ready to fire, I was gonna die. Then Chara saved me right before I got hit. She carried me under her arm. Although my arm still got hit. "Pull yourself together ya Baka!" Chara yelled in my ear as she let go of me and I hit the floor. "OUCH!!!" I yelled at Chara after she dropped me, then I got up. "Die you demon!!!" Sans yelled at me as he blasted his gaster blasters luckily I dodged it and so did Chara.

We continuously dodged San's attacks until he hit me in the shoulder with one of his bone attacks. It hurt so much! I ended up screaming in pain as another bone pierced into my skin.

(San's POV)

I looked back at the screen when I heard someone scream. It was Frisk! She was alive, but she was in danger! I have to save her, NOW! "I have to save her," I said as I stood up and started to use my powers to teleport. "Sans! I-It's impossible i-it will never work and t-the machine is n-nowhere near completion!" Alphys yelled at me but I didn't care. "I have to save her before it's too late, sorry Alph," I said as I started to teleport. "BUT YOU COULD DIE!" Alphys screamed at me. Then I teleported but I didn't end up at the judgment hall... "Hello, son."

(Frisk's POV)

It hurt so much. He was about to land the final blow. "San's please don't kill me," I whimpered in pain and then he hesitated. "Why shouldn't I kill you?" He asked in a angry but yet hurt tone. "Tell why should I let you live when you killed my brother!" He yelled at me with tears in his eyes. My eyes widened, "t-that wasn't me it was Chara!" Then I saw this timeline's Chara and she was covered in blood! "C-Chara!" I yelled in shock and fear.

"Why hello Frisk :) do you want to make a deal with me?" Chara asked me with a crimson smile spread across her face. "NO!" I yelled at Chara in response. "Aww, you're no fun, so why don't you just DIE?!" Then she started to cut me and I started to roll on the ground trying to dodge her attacks. San's noticed and tried to hit her even though he couldn't see her. "Why don't you just DIE already!" I continued to dodge as Sans tried to hit her. Then he landed a blow on her! I got up and ran behind Sans.

"Ya ok kid?" Sans asked me. "Mhm," I replied as I nodded my head. "Good," Sans said and then turned around and hugged me, "I thought you died, I missed ya kid." Then I hugged him back. "I'm sorry to say this Sans, but I'm from another timeline," I said as he slowly released me from the hug.  "Oh, well then we should probably get ya home," he said with a smile, I could tell that he was in so much pain.

"I'm so sorry Sans," I said out loud. "It's fine kid," he replied. Then I looked back over to Chara and my timeline Chara was fighting her! I started to wonder what to do, should I help or should I leave them be? I wanted to help but how!? I wish I knew what to do! So I decided not think about and ran up to blood Chara and slammed into her causing her to fall to the ground. "What the! Frisk!" Chara said surprised. "What the hell Frisk! Why you little twerp!!!" Blood lust Chara yelled as she got up.

Then I started to run away once Chara started chasing me around with her knife covered in dust. Chara then tackled the killer Chara. Not to long after that I saw one of San's bones on the ground left from a bone attack. I quickly grabbed it. After I grabbed I looked back at the Charas. Killer Chara was pinning Chara down, so I hit killer Chara over the head with the bone and she immediately passed out. "Nice job Frisk!" Chara said as she pushed off the unconscious killer. Then she high fived me. Right after we high fived a black hole appeared under us. "Oh no," Chara said as we were about fall."Kiddo!" I heard Sans yell.

Once we hit the ground I looked around, I saw a skeleton with to cracks in his skull! Then I saw Sans but he was injured! "Why hello Frisk," he said with a crimson smile.

~To be continued~

Hey, sorry for not updating in l what seems like a century. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Bye 😋

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