Chapter Five: Old Friends

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(Frisk's POV)

Then sans asked me, "Frisk, would you ever kill a monster?" "Of course not! I promise." I said. "How am I sure you won't?" He asked me. "If you still don't believe me then I'll pinky promise." I said, trying to re-ensured him.

"What's a pinky promise?" He asked. "Here I'll show you," I said as I held my pinky finger out. "Put your pink finger next to mine." I said. Then he put his pinky finger next to mine. After that I curled my pinky finger around his and then he did the same.

"Like this," he asked. "Ya," I said with a smile while giggling a bit. I started to blush but I didn't mind. "As you as my witness I promise I will never kill a monster." I said with a smile. Then we let go and just sat there.

(Sans POV)

After that moment I heard the doorbell ring. "Hey kiddo, I'm gonna see who's at the door, stay here, ok?" I said as I started to head to the door. "Ok," the kiddo responded.

Then I started to go downstairs and started to overhear Paps, so I crouched down so no one can see me. "Why hello Tori, I THE GREAT PAPYRUS JUST MADE SOME OF MY FAMOUS SPAGHETTI,do you want any?" Paps asked. "No thank you. I came here looking for a human named Frisk, have you seen her?" Tori asked.

She wants the kiddo, but why? I then got up and continued to go down stairs. "Hey Tori!" I said with a smile as I walked towards Paps and stood next to him.

"Why hello Sans, why are you here?" Tori said, unhappily. " I'm here because I know were the kiddo is," I replied.

"Where is she, what have you done to her!" Tori yelled. "Whoa! Don't go jumping to conclusions, Frisk is fine, mostly," I said. "What do you mean mostly!" Tori said in an angry tone.

"Calm down Toriel, I'm fine," said the kiddo while holding onto the staircase rail, trying to get down stairs, her legs wobbling. "Whoa! Kiddo! Be careful!" I said as I raced over to the staircase to help her.

Then she slipped and started to fall, luckily I caught her bridal style. "Hey kiddo, you ok?" I asked. "Ya, I'm fine," she responded. "Hey, I guess you really are a catch," I said with a smile, then Frisk started to giggle.

"We're going home now, my child," Tori said. Then I walked over and handed Frisk to Tori. After that they walked out with Tori carrying her bridal style, I hated to see the kiddo go.

"So Sans, why didn't you tell me that a human was here?" Paps asked, so I told Paps about what happened.

(Frisk's POV)

After we left San's house Toriel carried me home and put me on the bed, then I sat up to ask Toriel a question. "Toriel, why did you treat Sans that way?" I asked. "Because Frisk he has done terrible things, things that I can never forgive him for." Toriel responded. "You can never see sans again, because you are never, ever leaving the ruins again." Toriel said in a stern voice.

"But why Toriel?" I asked, saddened by what Toriel had said. "Because you are a human and I don't want you to get hurt ever again and that's finally!" Toriel said as she closed the door to my room.

( Toriel's POV)

I'm sorry my child, but this is for your own good. I just hope you can forgive me. Then I locked the door and walked away.

(Frisk's POV)

This is so unfair, she didn't even let me explain. Then I got up and tried to open the door, but it was locked. After I found that out I walked over to the vanity and found a golden heart locket that said said something, but I couldn't see it to well so I picked it up. It said 'best friends forever.' It started to glow! So I let it go and it started to hover! Then the light grew brighter and all of a sudden I wasn't in my room and I saw a girl with brown hair and had a green sweater on with two yellow stripes in the middle, with a knife in her hand! She almost looked exactly like me, the only difference was her eye color, instead of brown eyes she had blood red eyes!

"Why hello Frisk, I'm Chara, do you want to make a deal with me?"

~To be continued~

Find out what happens next in chapter six: The Deal. See you guys tomorrow.😋 I hoped you enjoyed it, see ya, bye.

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