Chapter Nine:The Deal is Broken

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(Frisk's POV)

Then I looked back and I couldn't stand seeing Sans like that, so I walked over to him and crouched down. Then I hugged Sans. "Tick-tock Frisk we can't wait all day, so what will it be Frisk. Now or never," Chara said.

"No Chara I will not give you my spirit...I won't put Sans through that Hell," I said concerned about Sans, still hugging him. "Ughh, fine but I'll be back for your spirit Frisk, I promise you that," Chara said and then left. "We'll stop Chara before she can hurt anyone else," I said, filled with determination.

"Thanks kiddo," Sans said. "No problem. Hey Sans can I ask you something?" I asked. "Sure kiddo, what is it?" Sans responded. "Why do you call me kiddo?" I questioned. "Because I'm a 130 even though I'm 13 in monster years," Sans said. "Good because I thought you were like an old man or something," I responded.

(Sans POV)

After Frisk said that I saw a red gleam coming from the bushes behind Frisk , it was Chara. Then she threw a knife, so I did what I thought was right and I jumped in front of Frisk.

(Frisk's POV)

"Sans what are you-" I was cut off after I saw a knife hit Sans! "Sans!" I yelled. Then started to get wobbly. This can't be right Sans HP was already at one and is no decreasing slowly! Sans could die! I started to cry and as I caught him. I got my body and my soul back.

"Everything is going as planned," Chara said and then left, as a spirit. "Sans don't you dare die on my," I
Said, crying as I pulled out the knife. My tears were flowing like a river, but I didn't care. "I'm s-sorry Frisk," he said in pain. Then I remembered the slice of butterscotch cinnamon pie that I had left, so I got it out and I had Sans eat it.

Sans was going to live! And me and Chara's deal was broken. But what scared me the most was what Chara said before she left, 'Everything is going as planned?' but how? "Thanks kiddo, you saved my life back there," Sans said as he got up. "Sans!" I yelled as I hugged him. "Whoa, calm Frisk," he said as he hugged me back with one arm.

"Sorry kiddo but I have to go and check on Paps, I'll be back soon," Sans said in a saddened tone. "Ok," I responded. Then Sans opened a portal and left.

(Sans POV)

I'm sorry Frisk but I had to lie to you, and for stealing Chara's locket from you. I have to stop Chara on my own. I already hurt you enough. Then I stepped through the portal and on the other side was Chara.

(Frisk's POV)

After Sans left I started to walk, I needed to clear my mind after what just happened. I started to walk and then I saw a monster covered in armor.

The armored covered monster started to throw spears at me, so I did what any sane person would do and I started running but in between trying to dodge and run, it wasn't working out. Then I looked at my HP and saw it was low, I can't take another hit and I was cornered, in a way.

I was one inch away from falling off the edge some were in the underground and the armored monster was coming closer so I did what any insane person would do and jumped off the edge and I as I was falling to death my last thought was 'I hope to see you one last time,Sans'. Then I hit the ground and blacked out.

~To be continued~

I hoped you enjoyed it, sorry it was kind of short. Whelp see ya tomorrow.

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