Chapter Seven: The Deal Part II

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(Frisk's POV)

Then I went to the door but what I saw was shocking. I saw Sans but he was covered by vines and in his left eye I saw flowey! Then Sans attacked me with his gasterblasters, this wasn't the Sans that I knew.

"Chara warned you that you would regret not taking her offer when you had the chance Frisk." Flowery/Sans said. "R-run F-frisk," Sans said in pain. "No I won't run away Sans," I said. "So Frisk are you willing to make the deal with Chara? Or else," flowey said with a menacing smile. "Or else what," I said determined not to make this deal. "Or else Sannsy here will go on another rampage." Flowy/Sans said.

"Another rampage?" I said, confused. "Oh wait Sans hasn't told of what he's done," Flowey/Sans said as he started to laugh. "Skeleton boy here has killed dozens of monsters and has destroyed the village," Flowey said with an evil smile. So that's why Toriel can't stand him!

(Sans POV)

I started to cry. I never asked for this, I never asked to be born. "So Frisk do you hate Sans now?" Flowey asked. "Of course not," Frisk said. I was so shocked, but why, why doesn't the kiddo hate me. "The Sans that you just told me about isn't the Sans that I know," Frisk said. "K-kiddo," I said, tears streaming down my face.

"So are you going to make the deal or else I will make Sans kill monsters again, and then who will trust poor Sans then," Flowey said. "Fine," Frisk said. "N-no kiddo d-don't do it," I said in extreme pain. "I'm sorry Sans," Frisk said as she looked at my right eye then back at Flowey.

"I'll make the deal, but on one condition," Frisk said. "What is this condition?" Flowey asked. "Nobody can hurt Sans or else the deal is broken and I get both my body and my soul back," Frisk said.

"Deal," Flowey said as he put his leaf hand in front of mine. "K-kiddo don't!" I yelled as they shook hands. Then Flowey got off of me and I caught Frisk, she was nothing more than a shell. I started to cry. "Kiddo, but why?" I said, tears streaming down my face.

But when she woke up I didn't see Frisk's beautiful brown eyes, but Chara's blood red eyes. "Why hello Sans, you know that Frisk has a major crush on you." Chara said as she got up. "Awww, I made you blush, how cute." Chara said, which pissed me off.

I was about to hit her with my gasterblasters, but then I remembered that Chara had Frisk's body and soul. I could hurt Frisk if I hurt Chara, darn it! Chara, this is all your fault, you will pay for this, I swear!

(Chara's POV)

I saw Sans get so mad after I said that, then I noticed Frisk's spirit right next to me, blushing. "What do you want Frisk?" I asked. "Can I have that bracelet on your arm," Frisk asked. "Why?" I asked. "Please,  I mean you already took my soul and my body," Frisk said. "Fine," I said as I took it off and I handed it to her then she floated towards Sans.

(Sans POV)

All of a sudden a bracelet appeared on my arm and I saw Frisk. "Frisk!" I cheered as I hugged her. "Sans that kinda hurts," Frisk said, giggling. "Ok, ok, I'll let go," I said as I let go of her. "Are you ok Frisk," I asked. "A bit shaken up, but other than that I'm fine," the kiddo responded.

Then we looked back, Chara was gone and so was Flowey. "So about what Chara said about me liking you, well, um," Frisk said as she started to get flustered and started to blush and so did I.

~To be continued~

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What will happen next? Will they tell each other how they feel? What are Chara and Flowey planning? Find out in Chapter Eight of Forbidden Love (Sans x Frisk). Oh and I almost forgot, if I get at least  5 or more votes then there will be an aDOORable Frans moment. Whelp see y'all tomorrow. 😋  <---( my signature emoji)

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