Chapter Twelve: Traitors!

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(Sans POV)

Then Undyne barged in and yelled, "YOU TRAITORS! In the name of king Asgore you will pay!" Then I looked back at Frisk, she was paralyzed with fear. "I have no clue what you're talking about Undyne," I said as I winked and shrugged. "Oh, don't play dumb with me Sans, you know exactly what you did, and yet you call yourself a sentury," Undyne said pissed with a blue spear in her hand.

"You should probably get out of here unless you want to have a bad time," I said as my left eye started

to glow blue and my gasterblasters were right behind me. "Sans what's going on, and why did Undyne just call you a Sentury?" Paps asked.

(Frisk's POV)

"What's a Sentury?" I asked Papyrus. "It's a role in the palace, they capture human souls for King Asgore," Papyrus responded. No way Sans is a Sentury, right?

(Sans POV)

I have to get the kiddo out of here, now! "Paps take the kiddo and run," I said, worried about Frisk's safety. "Are you sure about this Sans?" Paps asked. "Yes, now go!" I yelled, then Paps picked up the kid and started to run.

"So Sans it's just me and you now," Undyne said. "Ya I guess it is, but Undyne bef we start this battle I have to warn you, that you did ask for this and that I will not back down," I said, my eye glowing. "And I have to warn you that I will get that human's soul in the name of King Asgore," Undyne responded.

Then the fight began, Undyne threw one of her spears at me and I dodged it then I hit her with my gasterblasters. And Undyne increased her amount of spears with each attack it continued on like this until her HP was down to five. Then I put her in a bone cage.

"Sans why would you do this, you're a Sentury right? So why would you betray King Asgore," Undyne yelled. "Because Undyne I care about the kiddo, I love her!" I responded.

"How can you love someone who can't love you back, her kind have caused us so much pain and sorrow!" Undyne yelled. "Frisk isn't like the others!" I yelled back. "How do you know that for sure?!" Undyne yelled. "Because I trust her," I yelled.

"But is trust enough!?" Undyne asked. "I believe it is," I responded. "Fine then if you trust the little squirt then I guess I will too," Undyne said back.

(Undyne's POV)

Plus the squirt never even once fought back when we were fighting. Then Sans let me out of the cage and gave me a plate of Papyru's spaghetti to increase my HP level so I took it and started eating.

"After you're done eating we should probably go find Paps and the kiddo," Sans said. "Ok," I responded.

(Papyrus POV)

After Sans told us to flee I picked up Frisk and left. I just kept on running until we ran into CHARA!

~To be continued~

What does Chara want and what will she do? Will Undyne and Sans get their on time or will they be too late? Well toon in tomorrow to find out what happens next in Forbidden Love (Sans x Frisk). Whelp see ya till tomorrow 😋

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