Twenty Four

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"Man I have no idea on that one" Joe said shaking his head "but from what I can tell she seems worth it"
Jordan paused at the revelation.
Yeah she was, worth throwing it all away which he had almost done several times.
"Part of me knows that I can't do this anymore and the other part of me just doesn't want to rock the boat" Jordan admitted  after a long drink.
"I mean, we have the best friendship and she does wonderful promotions, so why on earth would I want to take a chance on messing all of that up" Jordan rambled on.
Joe sat in silence for a while thinking about the situation. When he finally spoke he held Jordan's gaze "Listen there are only a few things in life that are as important as love and whatever is holding you back from her can't hold a candle to losing her" he told Jordan bluntly  as he stared him down.
Jordan looked away as the emotion filled his face "You don't understand" Jordan said brushing his friend off 
"There you go again, shutting the fuck down as usual " Joe hissed  frustrated leaning back "I can see why you never get anywhere"
"Look you don't know what the fuck you are talking about" Jordan retorted his voice and frustration rising
"All I know is that you are willing to throw her away just to stay in your safe little world" Joe spat  back refusing to back down
Jordan sat back.His emotions a mess and  couldn't stop the tears from sliding down his cheeks. Joe leaned in nervously "J look  I'm sorry, please"
Jordan raised his hand "listen you can't understand how complicated this is" he said swiping at his wet cheeks "thanks for trying but please just stay out of it" he said pushing back from the table.
Joe just sat with his mouth open watching Jordan walk dejectedly off to the elevators. When Stephi got up to the room she threw herself down on the bed.
How  had he managed to make her so crazy ? The thought baffled her . just  simply being around you ,dumbass  Steph thought frustrated.
She knew exactly  why.
The feelings that you have   for Jordan .
She grabbed her purse off the dresser and fished out her cell phone. Steph  was at the point where she had to call someone but who? She looked at the clock. 11:30, damn it was too late to call one of her girls. As much as they loved her she didn't think they would quite appreciate a phone call at almost midnight. Powering  the phone on Steph  threw it on the night stand. Hopefully Jordan would talk to Joe for a little while and she would get some peace. Steph walked  into the small bathroom and turned on the water to fill the tub, a nice hot bath was exactly what she needed she sighed as she added some fragrant bath gel that Jordan surprised her with . She heard her cell phone ring noisily from the other room and she rushed to grab it.
"Hello" she said breathlessly

"I didn't wake you did I" Brian questioned on the other end
"No you didn't, sorry I had to run, and the phone was in the other room" she said as she sat down
"Are you having fun" Brian asked conversationally

"Yeah I guess, but I wouldn't quite call it fun, it's a lot of work and ass kissing" she said with a laugh
"Kissing ass sounds interesting" he said with really no hint of interest in his voice

There was a weighty pause and she could hear the TV going in the background.
"Been working hard yourself?" she asked nervously.

"Yeah I guess" he said simply.

Steph let out a frustrated breath as she walked into the bathroom to turn off the running water. She walked back into the room as she stopped short as  her breath caught when she saw Jordan standing in the door way looking like his dog had just died.
Jordan  motioned  to turn around to leave but Steph  motioned for him to stay. She held up the one minute sign letting him know she would be off in a moment.

"what I can't figure out" Steph hissed  with more force that she had originally planned "is why you insist on calling me at almost midnight and not say a damn thing" she hissed  throwing herself down on the bed

"I just wanted to see how you were since you don't feel the need to call me" Brian  spat out sounding rushed
"I do call you, or don't you get the fifty messages that I leave for you because you are never fucking there" Steph snapped  her voice rising.
Steph  watched as Jordan made his way across the room as he  sat in a chair opposite her.

"So sorry that I have a job that doesn't allow me to chat on the phone all day long"Brian  bit back

"Are you trying to say that my job isn't important" Steph  questioned  as her voice rose another octave

"If you call chasing around rich, no talent, boy bands just to pat their heads and keep their calendars a job then yeah to tell you the truth I don't see the point" Brian  barked .

"Fuck you!" Steph screamed "you always think that whatever I do is so much less than you, I can't believe that you would call me just to shit on my job" she  seethed getting up to pace

"I called you to see how you were doing, you are the fucking one that picked the fight" he said through gritted teeth
"I picked the fight?" Steph  couldn't help but scream "you were the one that started on me"
"Stephi listen" he said lethal tone
"No you listen, this is my job which  I happen to love  very much and if you can't handle it then you don't want to be a part of me" she screamed at him again as she paced around gesturing angrily

"Look I do want to be a part of you, I just miss you when you are gone all of the time" he said, his voice taking on an almost pleading tone
"Well now you know how I felt all those years waiting on you to get home" she said plainly as she sat down again
"Yeah but I wasn't off somewhere with someone I am in love with, kissing his ass constantly" he said sarcastically

She held her breath. She was so infuriated that she had to stop herself from just telling him to fuck off permanently right then and there. He was right of course but she wasn't about to admit it to them both right here in the same room at the exact same time. She looked over at Jordan who was looking at her concerned. She had to turn away from him because she just wanted to run into his arms at the moment.
"Look" she muttered gritting her teeth "I am not going to go into that with you at the moment. I don't know why you keep bringing that up every time we talk lately. I am not in love with him, he's married and so am I." Steph paused and had to mentally force herself not to turn around to  look at Jordan. When she glanced in the dresser mirror she could see his profile and she watched the hurt register on his face as he hung his head.
"Yeah your married but that doesn't mean" Brian began
"I have had plenty of opportunities to leave you and never come back, but I keep doing it, and why do you think that is" she said interrupting him with a hand on her hip.
"Because you like to torture yourself" he said mockingly
"Brian look I am exhausted and I have a big day tomorrow so if you don't mind I will take my punishment another time, I have to get to bed" she said with a hand on her forehead
"I like how you continually avoid the subject" he said with that same snide tone again
"Brian, I am going now. You can play smart ass some other time" she said forcefully" be careful, and goodnight" she snapped as she  hung up her phone before he could say another word.
She stood for a moment after she threw the phone down on the bed and closed her eyes. She wished things were simple again. She almost wished for just a moment that she had never met Jordan then all of this wouldn't be a problem.
When Jordan walked up behind her , he lovingly  ran his hands down her arms. When Steph felt the comfort his touch emitted  she quickly changed her mind
"I'm sorry, baby" Jordan whispered in her ear as he propped his chin on her shoulder
She smiled. "Don't be, it's not your fault that he's a douchebag"

Jordan put his arms around her as he  pulled her into him. Steph  laid her head back on his shoulder.

"I can sympathize with him though" he murmured almost to himself
"What?" she jerked her head around at him in shock and her nose bumped his cheek
He pulled away slightly to turn to look at her.
"If I had a woman like you then there is no way I would ever let her go" he admitted smiling
She looked back at the floor as she felt the tears well in her eyes. She broke away from him as the emotion flooded her throat.
"That really gives him no excuse, he's not letting me go" Steph  paused as her voice grew shaky "and I am not asking him to" she said hurriedly as she went into the bathroom , closing the door much more forcefully then she intended .

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