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"Ok good, call me when you get here, I might not answer because we have a lot of work planned but I want to know when you get home" Brian said hurriedly
"Ok, no problem, is that why you are up and going to work so early?" she said
"Yeah, and I won't be home until late tonight we have several things going, if we actually get the chance to do them" he finished with a tired breath
"Ok, I will probably be on line anyway, giving all the details" she said with a laugh
"Oh yeah how did that go?" he asked without any real interest
Ice went through her veins and she had to take a breath to steady herself before she spoke
"Fine, it was weird though because it was a mixer, but we had a good time" she finally managed to say without her voice shaking.
"Good, well you be careful and don't forget to call me" he muttered
"I will, I promise" she said as she wondered how many more promises of calls she could make today
"Love you" Brian told her   emotionless
"Love you too" Steph replied as she broke the connection.
Steph had to light a cigarette after that one. The whole situation had caused her to pick her on her habit when she was really trying to cut back. Gone now were the days of a stress free life and mind. It took her a minute to compose herself and then she started the cd again.
Before she knew it she was home. As she drove up she checked her watch. 3:00pm she had exactly 3 hours before her girls would be on line wanting to know every last detail of her night. She walked inside threw her bag on the couch and fell face first in her bed. Thankfully a dreamless sleep washed over her. The alarm of her phone buzzing in her hand woke her with a shock. She knew she didn't get service out here but had forgotten she had set it as a reminder to get on line at the right time. She went into the bathroom and ran cold water over her face. She decided that she was looking considerably better after the nap and the bruising under her eyes had receded into ghosts of purple.
After grabbing a juice, no more caffeine for the moment, Steph  walked into her office and logged onto the internet. While the computer was booting she decided to check her messages on her cell phone, curious to see if anyone had called her.
"You have 4 new messages" said the robotic lady from the cell service
Four? She questioned out loud curiously and pressed the number to hear them.
"Stephi this is Bubba, I am not going to be pissed that you didn't call yet, but I would love to hear that you are ok, here's my number again."
She laughed to herself, so he really did want to hear from her then.
"Stephi, where the hell are you? Bubba said that you didn't call him back and that was an hour ago, we are worried please call, my number is..."
Steph pulled her head away from the phone to study it when she heard Jordan's voice. He had really called, she couldn't believe it. She had a feeling in her gut that it was a bad sign but she couldn't help but be excited.
"Hey sweetie, I figured you were sleeping, call me when you get up"
Brian the asshole. The prick knew I was home and didn't even bother to call the house.
Why do I even bother?
"Stephi, it's me again. I am starting to feel like a stalker. Please call when you get a chance I'm worried about you.

Jordan again. Man, what was going on? She had all but decided that he really didn't care about her, so what did this mean? Confusion spread through her and she almost dialed his number, then she thought better of it. I shouldn't encourage this.
I will call Bubba to let them know I am all right and then I will let it go at that.

She got the number out of her cell contact list and dialed it on the house phone.

"Stephi, my god I thought you would never call" Bubba said without even a hello
"Sorry, I got home and passed out immediately, didn't talk to anyone" she said apologetically
"Jordan is going nuts that we haven't heard from you" Bubba said with concern
"Wait a minute," Stephi said stopping him in confusion "How did you know it was me? I called from my house phone not my cell" she said in an accusing tone.
He laughed "Simple deduction my lady, your cell area code is 716 and when I saw the 716, I just figured it was you"
"What doesn't Jordan have any other side pieces from my area?"

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