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"Hot?" Steph scoffed  as she frowned down at the ratty sweatshirt
"I don't see how I can be hot in this thing"
He frowned at her "how can you dis one of my most prized possessions?" Jordan  asked pulling at the sweat shirt
Steph backed away from him in shock
"Really? This old thing"
  "Yeah it's been everywhere with me"   Jordan explained pulling her into an embrace again
"Everywhere" she said with a sly grin
"Yep Jordan spoke softly as he stepped into her.
Jordan  smirked at  Steph's sharp intake of  breath.
Jordan reached up  placing a hand on Steph's  cheek as he  smiled at her.
"Thanks again for coming" Jordan said gently as he leaned in for a kiss.
When Jordan's lips met hers Steph couldn't help but wrap her arms around his neck. She played with his damp hair as his kiss deepened.
"Oh god not again" Steph  heard from  somewhere behind them as she  hastily broke away from Jordan. He laughed against her head as he kissed her hair when she turned away from him embarrassed.
"Oh hey Chad" she said trying to control her anger at the interruption
"Every time I leave you two alone this happens" Chad complained  walking up to them with his hands out
"Yeah well you would think that you could take the fucking hint" Steph heard Jordan mutter
"What?" Chad said with raised eyebrows
"Nothing" Jordan said shaking his head as he eased his arms around Steph's waist. He felt her lay back into him.
"So are we ready for tonight" Chad said leaning up beside them on the railing
"Ready as I will ever be" Jordan sighed
"Well I think we should start heading that way . You go on in about an hour" Chad  informed them  checking his watch
Bubba stepped out of the room as if he was listening to the conversation "Are we ready?" he asked curiously as he glanced at the outfit Stephi was wearing
"Oh god no" Stephi said looking down in horror "I can't go to the show looking like this" she said peeling off the sweatshirt as she walked in the room
"Remember you don't have to impress me" Jordan called after her chuckling
"Give me 15 minutes" she said with a gesture as she closed the door.
"We can't wait on her" Chad said darkly to Jordan after about 10 minutes
"Yeah we are cutting it close" Jordan sighed
"I will take you guys over and she should be ready when I get back" Bubba said
"Ok" Jordan shrugged
"Let me tell her the plan and I will be right back" he said tossing Chad the keys to the rented SUV
Bubba dropped Chad and Jordan off at the club and hurried back to the hotel for Stephi. When he pulled up she was waiting in the parking lot for him. He got out and opened the door for her. She laughed as she got in.
"They make it alright?" she asked curiously
"Yeah" Bubba said with his eyebrows raised "Just fine"
She was quiet for a few minutes. Her question burning inside her throat "Bubba is this all a joke?" she blurted
"What?" he said with a confused laugh "What do you mean a joke?"
"How many women has he done this with?" she asked turning around in her seat to watch his expressions
He shrugged as he drove "None that I can think of" he started and when she rolled her eyes he continued "I am not going to lie there have been those random after the show gone in the morning type of things but never like this That was long ago" he finished patting her leg. "You look nice tonight by the way" he said with a smile
"Thanks" she said distractedly
They pulled up behind the noisy club and Chad came running out. Bubba and Stephi jumped out of the SUV in alarm.
"What is it?" Bubba asked in a concerned rush
"Everything is fucked up, the promoter isn't here and they have no idea who has paid and who hasn't, and no one can get in touch with him" Chad said running a hand through his hair.
"So they aren't letting anyone in" Stephi said concerned
"No because they don't know who paid in advance" he said gesturing with his hands "we can't have another show go wrong, this is a fucking mess" he finished looking up at the sky in frustration
"Ok, who did the ticket presale" Stephi said trying to think quickly
"What?" Chad asked sharply
"The ticket presale, who did it? Ticketmaster, e-tix's who?" she said motioning with her hands
"I think it was Ticketmaster why?" he asked curiously
"And what was the promoters name" she said not bothering to answer him
"Rocco Socia, why do you need to know all of this?" he said as he watched her walked past him and through the back door to the club. He and Bubba followed her curiously.
She met Jordan in the hall. "Did Chad tell you the craziness" he asked as she all but walked past him without a word. He exchanged a worried look with Chad who just shrugged and continued to follow her. She marched through the club and up to the bar where the bartender she was talking to earlier this evening was working.
"Have you got a fax machine here?" she asked as she pulled out her cell phone
"Yeah" the bartender replied "it's in the office" she said with a motion of her head
"Do you know the number?" Stephi said as the others continued their confused looks
The bartender searched around for a list of numbers and recited it to Stephi as she wrote it down on the back of a napkin.
"Thanks" Stephi said as she dialed information on her cell
"Ticketmaster please" she said confidently to the recording. After a moment she scribbled down another number
"What the hell is she doing" Jordan asked Chad who just shrugged as he watched her dial a number.
She pressed numbers in answer to the prompts she was given and then tapped her fingers on the bar as she waited. When she finally got an answer from a human she spoke confidently and politely into the phone.
"Yes my name is Stephanie and I am the assistant of Rocco Socia "she paused as she was acknowledged "he ran off tonight and forgot his presale list for a show he is doing and I need to see if you can fax me that as quickly as possible" she asked sweetly. "oh that would be so great thanks" she said with a smile "yeah you can just fax it straight to the club's office, I am right beside the machine" she said again sweetly "thank you so much you are a life saver" and she recited the number.
After a few minutes the list of presales came out of the small fax machine and Stephi walked out of the office with it.
"Now you and Jordan go and get ready and Bubba and I will let everyone in" she said gesturing them away.
After thirty minutes the club was packed and Bubba and Stephi were counting out the money that they had received from door and meet and greet sales. They counted out the portion owed to the owner and then took the rest back to Chad who was getting ready to go on stage. Stephi smiled at him as she walked up.
"Here you go" she said handing him the envelope of money" and here is the list of meet and greet people but they are wearing pink arm bands so you will know who's who" she said as she passed that over.
"You are a life saver you know that" he said with a grin as he took what she held out
"Yeah, yeah, yeah" she said waving him away as she walked off. She was way too excited about seeing the show to worry about his praises now. Bubba lead her around to the side of the stage where she could see. She was hoping that Jordan wouldn't notice her standing there so he wouldn't look over all the time but as soon as he took the stage he searched the crowd and found her. He only glanced over a couple of times and she found herself mesmerized by his performance. It was so much better than the New Bedford show. She caught Chad looking over at her a couple of times and he sent her a wink. When the show was over Chad announced that it would be thirty minutes before the meet and greet began.
She went over to the bar and got a drink. A tall woman with a bright pink wrist band sat down beside her.

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