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I got up an walked downstairs and when ever I walked down stairs there was my idol looking at all the little girls lined up. I was just standing there akwardly staring at her and then the owner ruined it by telling me to go upstairs and get ready because our age group was next. I started walking up stairs but took one last look at the Demi lavato and when ever I turned back she was smiling at me. I walked back in my room an blasted Demi lavato hoping she wouldn't hear but I know she did cause these walls and floor are made of paper u could hear everything we are doing from upstairs. I got ready I'm the only nice thing I have which was denim shorts and a crop top from wet seal. I straightened my hair and put on some natural make up which for me is a little bit of foundation , mascara , and eye shadow . I walked down stairs and saw Demi there with the other girls I guess I took longer than I thought caise she was already on the last girl for our age group. I walked and stood right beside the girl she was talking to.She finished talking and then came over to me. She asked me what my name was and I said jasmine but for her to call me jazz or jazzy. she said ok then asked what my favorite food was and I said pizza . She asked me a bunch of other questions and them she said something I never expected her to say she said well then jazz would it be ok if I adopted you. I started jumping p and down screaming yes . She told me to go pack my bags while she signs the papers . I walked back into my room and got out my large suit case and put all of my cloths in it and then I put all my make up in it . and last but not least all my electronics. I packed my iPad first then my Mac book then my iPod 4 then my iPod 5 and that's all I packed . I zipped up my suit-case grabbed my iPhone 5c and walked downstairs and said but to every one and face them a hug except for Ashley and her minions. I walked out side and waited for Demi in the car which was a black Lamborghini .my favorite type of car.

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