Chapter 26

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Lauren's Pov: Well everyone jumped out and yelled and stuff Except for "Dilmer" aka Wilmer and Demi. They were probably in the tour bus because I know Demi got back early.

Demi's Pov:

I just got home/back on the tour bus and I heard everyone walk in about 20 minutes later. I got up to see what was going on because it sounded like they were celebrating. I walked into the kitchen and Lauren was showing Jasmine a gigantic ring on her ring finger. WHAT?!?! She's not getting married she wasn't even dating anyone. I walked up to Lauren and say "What the heck is this?!!? Your not even dating anyone this is insane and YOU can't get married while your on MY tour. Now I wanna know who Asked u to marry them right now." As if on que Harry Styles Walked out of the bathroom. Wholey crap! My celebrity crush asked my best friend to marry HER and not ME! How is this possible I thought. My face turned red in anger and I walked back into my room and laid on my bed with out saying another word to anybody out there.

Jasmines Pov:

I fell really bad and I just really wanna get along with my aunts and I still want my relation ship with my mom. Another thing, I have a boyfriend and his name is austin. Yup that's right The Austin Mahone. I plan on telling the girls and mom tonight. but I'm really scared I mean idk why I'm scared because everyone has already met him because he came to some concerts and stuff but they don't know that he's my boyfriend and yeah I'm scared.

~~~~~~~~2 hours later~~~~~~~~~~

Jasmines Pov (continued):

It's time for dinner and I'm FREAKING! Oh look there's the door bell. "I'll get it" I yell and run to get it. I open it and we go sit down at the table. Everyone looks at us confused and then they looked down at our intertwined hands and All the 5H girls and Cher started Congratulating us while Demi just sat back looking at our hands disgusted. She got up came over to me and Austin and said...

A/N sorry I haven't been updating as much my brother just got back home from his dads and he's staying with us for summer but I'm not gonna be here bc I have to go to my dads for summer. Which sucks bc I never get to see my brother and ya know haha but yeah we just picked him up from the airport and shout out to @//that_blonde_boy read all of her stories bc they perffff! okay well byeee Love y'all💋


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