Demi's Pov:
I can't believe Jade and Cher stuck up for that little brat jasmine! Ugh I can't believe that she faked getting slapped in the face! well that's what Wilmer told me anyways, so I just really don't know what to do anymore maybe I should just give up on her bc she's breaking. I bet she's going to turn out exactly how I did but ya never know so I need to stop assuming stuff.
Jasmines Pov:
I really don't know what I did to deserve all of this I mean I'm not a mean person ( except in the morning ) I wasn't rude to anyone ( except for a couple paparazzi's that climbed a tree at night while I was asleep and crawled through my bedroom window taking pictures of me asleep. I mean like seriously if u were famous and that happened to u what would u do? huh? I don't think u can answer that.Oh well
~ 2 hours later ~
Still jasmines Pov:
I got up finally and got my clothes which consisted of ripped denim shorts, a m&m t-shirt and red converse. I took a shower and got dressed. I blow dried my hair and curled it and put a red lace bow in it. I put on some foundation,blush,mascara,eye-liner. and eye shadow and then walked out of the bath room. Cher had the day off so it was going to be a "Jazz and Cher" day only. I went into the living room and saw Cher wearing the same thing as me only a skittles t-shirt a green bow and green converse. We looked at each other and screamed "twinsies" really loud.which got Wilmer pretty mad. He came running in and started yelling at us and then kicked us out and told us to not come back until 5:30 so we got our phones & money and walked out side. we went to McDonalds and we both got sausage Egg and cheese McGriddles and a Hash brown. We got chocolate Chip Chip Frappes and then went to a park and sat on the swings and ate & drank. when we were done we threw are stuff away and went to the mall. While we were in there we got Starbucks and then went to top shop,aero,A.E,buckle,rainbow,wetseal, and claires. after we were done it was 6:30 we freaked out cause we were suppose to be home at 5:30 so we got another vinte at Starbucks and ran all the way home. When we got home we ran inside and saw all the girls just sitting down in their pajamas. we asked what they were doing and they said movie night. We said okay and went and got into our pajamas and walked back into the living room just as they started Scream 4 (love that movie) and so we sat on the couch. I sat by Lauren and Cher. I looked over and didn't see Demi, oh well she's never here she's probably with Wilmer. for the rest of the night we stayed up watching movies and then eventually around 3:30 AM we all fell asleep. I guess today was pretty good.
A/N omg guys ik I haven't updated In 4evahh but I have a lot of stuff going on now. But I'll try and be updating way more now bc I get out of school in 15 days! ahh I'm so excited. anyways thanks so much 4 6.5K reads that is so awesome ily all so much bc y'all are all perf. thanks and I'll try and update over the weekend but I'm going to my cousins and she lives in ohio so. Yahh

Adopted by demi
Teen FictionJasmine was a normal girl we'll sort of if u include her father killing her mom and making her go unconscious normal then yeah she's normal haha no she's not she lives a life that nobody should ever have to live find out what happens when she gets...