Chapter 15

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Jasmines Pov:

I woke up and changed into a tank top and sweat pants. I threw my hair up into a messy bun went and got Starbucks came back home ate breakfeast and I stayed in my room the whole entire day. It was like 7 and Demi hasn't said anything to me all day I went downstairs and saw Demi making dinner she said hi but I just ignored her and grabbed a sand which and ate it then went up to my room. I heard Demi and nick talking and nick said that Demi should just give up on me already and stop trying to help me and for Demi to take me back to the orphanage. Demi said maybe!😡 I was so mad I walked into her room and screamed alright If u want me to go back to the orphanage then I'll go. I ran to my room crying and packed all my bags and left going to the orphanage. I rung the door bell and Ashley stood there. even though Ashe was my bully I apologized and so did she and let me cry on her shoulder. one of the care workers came and I unpacked. all my stuff and got in bed. I called Demi and said are u happy now I'm back at the orphanage. She sounded like she was crying and said that she was sorry I just rolled my eyes hung up and went to bed.

A/N I'm going to start doing a question of the day ok so QOTD is what is ur favorite Starbucks drink? And I dedicate this story to @Lovatic_1508 cause she is perfect and so amazing so go follow her .

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