Chapter 22

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Jasmines Pov: Eep , I'm so happy Chloe got to come cause I really didn't want to spend the next 24 months alone everyday.I'm so happy I was jumping up and down ok the couch and then Demi yelled at me and called me a spoiled little brat so I went into my room and I've been in here for an Hour and a 1/2 crying with Demi banging on my door. I fount she cares all she cares about is her and Wilmer "shudders" I let Cher and Jade in cause their my favorite aunts no offense to the other girls like I love them but I have a soft spot for Jade and Cher. idk why though , Anyways they came in and asked if I was okay and I broke out in tears again sobbing telling them about how Demi doesn't care about me and how all she cares about is her and "Wilmer" I hate him so so so much everything was fine when I first moved in with Demi and now all of it went down hill when Dilmer came along and had to just ruin every ducking🐤. thing(A/N I say ducking lol) ugh I don't know why he had to make my life so much worse! I didn't do anything to him now did I? Ugh.

3 Hours Later

"Wilmers" Pov:
I hate that little brat she gets what ever she wants and she has Demi wrapped around her little finger. I'm gonna have to do something about that little Jaselle or what ever her name is. All I have to do is act nice to hr around Demi and then when she's not around which is now I'll have to talk to her so here I go I guess. I walked into her room and saw her laying in bed listening to music on her phone. I walked up to her and took her beats off and started yelling at her "Why are you such a stupid little WORTHLESS brat!!!??" "You have Demi wrapped around ur little finger and I'm tired of it!" "What is ur problem with me?" She looked taken aback for a second and then stood up and said "Do ya wanna know what my problem wth u is?" "MY PROBLEM IS THAT U RUINED MY LIFE! U MADE DEMI HATE ME AND SHE STILL DOES I DUCKING HATE U!!" So I walked up to her for in her face and slapped her but ofcourse I had to do that as soon an Cher came in and also saw the whole thing ofcourse just Ducking great!

A/N ommgggggg ILYASM I CANT BELIEVE I GOT DUCKING 4.2 K that is in believable I love y'all so so so so much but this book is almost over in about 1-2 chapters this book is gonna be over I'm really sorry guys but I'm gonna make a sequel so don't worry and I'm still gonna keep this book up so more people can read it and I'm also going to reply to comments on here still so don't worry I'm probably gonna start writing the sequel in about a week or so, so get ready for all this I love y'all guys and there's still a couple chapters left of this book and them the sequel so yayy and read my last authors note about the contest and enter it! lol I love u all so so so DUCKING much!


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