I woke up and took a shower and got dressed in denim shorts and a tank-top that has a cat on it with glasses and it says 2 smart 4 u with black toms. I straightened my hair picked up my phone and put a new iPhone case on it that has a $ on it. I picked up my book bag and walked downstairs ate break feast and then walked out the door and picked up Starbucks on my way there. I walked into school and everyone was staring at me. Chloe came up and we walked to my locker I put everything in there except for my Starbucks. We walked to history first and then I made some new friends during the rest of the day. -----------------------------------------
Skip rest of school cause I'm to lazy to write---------------------------------------
I walked into the house and walked up to my room and did my homework which only took 1 hour since all I had was health,science, and history homework. I texted Chloe and we both agreed to go to the mall. I reapplied my make up grabbed my side bag. and told Demi I was going to the mall. She said ok and I left once we got to the mall. I saw Chloe and walked over 2 her. She came over and we got Starbucks but whole she was throwing away her cake-pop stick. It must have fallen out of the trash cause next thing we know we have mall cops taking us to what ever that place is in the mall for "littering". they called Demi and when she came on she looked furious. A/N #cliffhanger ok so I'm so excited and I love u all so much thank u so muchhhhhh for 100 reads I started screaming when I saw lol I'm akward. and I just wanted to know icy like this book and I have major writers block so could u please give me some ideas thanks I love u all so much and comment if u like this book. thanks I love u all so mucchhhh😘

Adopted by demi
Teen FictionJasmine was a normal girl we'll sort of if u include her father killing her mom and making her go unconscious normal then yeah she's normal haha no she's not she lives a life that nobody should ever have to live find out what happens when she gets...