Lauren's Pov:(didn't see that Comin ayy😜)
I woke up and took my clothes which consisted of a tribal print crop-top and black high-waisted shorts with tribal print toms to the bathroom. When ever I was walking down the hallway of the tour bus I accidentally bumped into "Demi" she looked at me and just stared at me and then totally out of the blue asked "Do they hate me?" I looked her in the eyes and said "I don't know but I do know that they are pretty mad at you" And with that I looked back down and mentally started preparing myself for the worst then I looked back up rolled my eyes at her and walked into the bathroom. I got into the shower and washed my face,my hair (& conditioned) and shaved. I got out and put my clothes on and then dreys my hair and made it into beach waves and then I put a black lace now from claire's in my hair. I put my shoes on and grabbed my brown bag and grabbed my phone and walked out the door. I went to the park and saw him. The one I've been waiting to see for months. The one and only...Harry Styles. My boyfriend(sorry maddie😂😂). He walked up to me and kissed me passionately. Dang I've missed those lips! I kissed back as quick as possible. After around 2 minutes we stopped to breath. He walked over to where he was before and then did something I would have never expected...
He got down on one knee and said "Lauren I have loved u ever since the day I first layed eyes on you. U were and still are the most beautiful girl in the whole wide world. I love you so much and I know that you always say that I could have any girl in the world. and I probably could but I choose you because even with all of your "Perfect Imperfections" I still love you. Lauren.. would u do me the favor of being my wife? I" I started screaming and jumping up and down! Next think I know all of the girls come out behind a bush and start jumping up and down. I look at Harry and say "YASS" and all of us start cracking up. This is the perfect day with all of the perfect people and I'm so happy that I have all of these wonderful people here to support me through thick & thin.
Authors Note
Okay first guys I love y'all so so so much and I know that I don't spell everything in this book right but if u don't like it. then don't read it!
And second. thank y'all so so so so SO much for 7.3K reads I mean that is awesomely insane! I can't believe y'all did that!
And third. I'm gonna start doing a QOTU (question of the update😏) and so it starts today
QOTU: What's ur favorite drink at Starbucks? Mines a "zebra mocha with extra caramel & mocha drizzle" lol I can't wait for this summer! ooh another question
What r ur plans 4 summer? I would tell u but it's kinda hard too bc I have A LOT and I mean A LOT of things going on this summer. But I'm so excited to see all my sisters. #SoHappy and I only have 10 days & 1 hour of school left bc our last day of school is only and hour long.
If u read all of this comment "Purple Fluffy Unicorns"! lol im akward okayyyy.

Adopted by demi
Teen FictionJasmine was a normal girl we'll sort of if u include her father killing her mom and making her go unconscious normal then yeah she's normal haha no she's not she lives a life that nobody should ever have to live find out what happens when she gets...