Chapter 18

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Jazzys pov:
Me and Chloe woke up and both got changed into shorts and I wore a blue crop top that had black head phones on the front with black converse. while Chloe wore a 5SOS t-short and black toms. we both curled our hair and got our phones and left for school. We both had gym 1st period so we went and changed into our gym uniforms which consisted of a pair of black shorts (that the populars pulled up so u could see their butt) and a bob-cats ( our school team type thing) t-short with our names on the back. We had to run 5 laps around the track and then we had to do 15 sit-ups and 10 push ups. after gym we got changed back into our regular clothes and out some perfume on since we smelled like sweat and stuff. I had algebra 2nd period so I went there while Chloe went to English. We finished our classes and then it was the last period of the day (A/N just skip lunch cause I'm to lazy to write.) Which for me was study hall so I finished all of my homework so I didn't have any to do at home. The bell rang and kids started piling out. I walked home with Chloe and when we walked in the door. There stood the person that I will not forgive. she came over and said she was sorry. She said that we were going on tour and I could brig a friend with me. That's when I stopped walking up the stairs turned around said whatever and then ran down to Chloe and we both started squealing and jumping up and down saying " we're going on tour together!". Demi said she had everything packed and that Chloe's mom packed everything for her earlier. We said bye to Jessie.(Chloe's mom) and then went outside and got into Demi's Car. Once we got "home" I ran into the tour bus and made my bed with Chloe's to. We also had bunk beds which was a +. After about an hour everyone came onto the bus. I can't believe I'm going on tour w-my best friend, my mom (who isn't all the way forgiven),Cher Lloyd, and Little Mix. Just as we were about to leave "Wilmer" came into the bus with a suit case. I mentally freaked out but got snapped out of my thoughts when he said he was going to go on 1/6 of the tour with us. I ran to mine and Chloe's room and jumped on my bed and cried myself to sleep. A/N okayy guys this is really short and just a filler but what ever. what do u think should happen with "Demi and Wilmer" or "Jazzy and Wilmer"? Some more drama coming up next can't wait and thanks so much for voting,commenting,and following! I got 1.2K reads! me and my mom May or may not have had a big celebration and gone out to eat dinner to celebrate! I'm really happy and I love u guys so much😘😘

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