Chapter 20

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Chloe's Pov:
I'm gonna miss Jasmine so so much while she's on tour!:( I wonder if All the girls would care of I went on tour with them? I'll talk to Jazz when she wakes up, Right now it's 7:30 A.M and I'm the only one awake well I thought I was the only one awake but I guess not. I was sitting on a stool in the kitchen when ever Demi came in. I decided to ask if I could go on tour with them since I was going to finish the school year doing cyber school any ways, I asked her and she said yes! Eeep I'm so excited for the tour! Which reminds me, We leave today! I asked my mom before Demi was awake and she said as long as I'm good and don't get an "attitude" with Demi so I promised that I would be good and that I wouldn't get an attitude. I told Demi that I would be back in 1. 1/2 and for her to not tell anyone that I'm going other than the other girls going well I told her to not tell Jasmine or any of our friends. I went home Packed 19 Crop-Tops, 15 Tank-Tops, 14 pairs of shorts,12 pairs of pajamas,24 pairs of socks,18 Pairs of jeans,26 Outfits from Top-Shop,Charlotte Russe,Aero-Postale,and Hollister each. I know what ur thinking, "Why is she taking this much clothes?" Ok well Demi just found out were going all over the world for 2 years. I'm going to face time all my friends and family all the time so I can see them still. And the bus has WiFi idk how but it's awesome. I took 14 pairs of converse and 13 pairs of toms and 4 pairs of uggs and 2 north face jackets and took all of my savings and money I had and put them in my wallet so I could have a lot of money even. Though Demi said that her and the girls would Buy me stuff.

1 hour later

I walked into Demi's house and jasmine came down stairs and asked why I had so many bags with me? I told her I was going on tour with them and she started screaming of joy haha I love by best friend. I am so excited for this tour it's going to be awesome especially with my sister/bestie by my side at all times.

A/N OMG I'm so sorry I haven't updated in 4 evahh the stomach flu has been going around where I love and it sucks cause my best friend Maddie got it then my friend Rocco and then my other friend Santino got it and blah blah blah but thanks for something around 2.8K lol I'll try to update more often and I got the last chapter mixed up with this one but that was suppose to be chapter 21 and this is chapter 20 haha it's like I'm making 2 stories but there all in 1 irdk I'm confusing haha but lol I'll try and update later if I can but we just got done with our end of the year test and all that jazz so now we have like nothing to do in school so all we have left in the school year is to have our Quire concert (which I'm in) then we have our field trip in 6 days and then we have a big ice-cream party and then we have movie day and every day after that we are just suppose to watch movies which I'm really excited about cause we get to watch the titanic and I love that movie lol Buh•Bye though haha lol I love y'all.😘😍


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