Chapter 6

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I woke up I'm the morning and I was in a really good mood for some reason. I got up and took a shower, washed my body and hair. I got out and went to look for clothes. I put on a pair of denim shorts and a blue and white striped crop top with white converse. I walked down stairs and Demi wasn't here. I walked I'm the kitchen and there was a note on the counter. it said

I went to Starbucks to get break feast be back soon love u ,
I walked to the back yard and there was a trampoline. I got on it and started to practice my toe touch. I did a back flip and heard clapping It scared me so I fell and looked at Demi laughing at me. I got off the trampoline and walked over to Demi who had a chocolate chip frappe with extra mocha she gave me the drink and told me to come to the kitchen and eat. I ate a muffin and then Demi asked if I wanted to go shopping. of course I said yes cause I'm a shop-a- holic. she went upstairs to get ready. 30 minutes later she came down in shorts and a tank top that says obx (outer banks) . we got in the car an drive to the mall. when we got inside I dragged her to top shop and got a couple shorts,tank-tops, crop tops, and a new blue wallet. after that we went to a few other shops and then got pretzel bites to share from auntie anns. We went home and got ready for bed. I got changed in a pair of pajamas and walked upstairs and saw Demi on her computer. I walked up to her and have her a hug and said I love u good night MOM. Demi's Pov (didn't see that coming;) ) jaz walked in and gave me a hug told me she loved my then she said goodnight MOM. She called me mom I started to hug her and then started to cry. she walked out and went to bed. I fell asleep with the biggest smile on my face.

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