A/N ok so I'm dedicating this chapter to @Lovatic_1508 because she Is so amazing and she followed u should read both of her books cause she is so perfect☺️
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back To Story
Jasmines Pov:
I woke up still laying with Demi it has been 2 days since the thing with Wilmer happend and I'm starting to get over it. I got up did my morning routine and put in high waisted black shorts with a white crop top that says to sassy for you in black bold letters. I grabbed my iphone wrote Demi a note and told her I would be back around 4 and it was only 9:30 so I went and got Starbucks. I went to the mall,got sushi, and went to the beach. I came back home and ate dinner with Demi I hugged her and told her goodnight and went to bed.Demi's Pov:
I went and checked on jasmine to make sure she was asleep. I texted nick and told him he could come over now. Me and nick are officially a couple but we don't want people to find out just yet. He replied with an okay and knocked on my window unless the. 5 minutes. I didn't realize but jasmine just walked in on me and nick kissing. She ran out of the room and into her room locked her door and probably went to sleep but I don't know because the next thing I do know is Nick is picking me up and taking me back to our room. We go back to where we were and then he decided to sleep over I decided I would talk to jasmine in the morning. I fell asleep and then dreamed about me and nick having a child and me giving up on trying to help jasmine.
A/N thank u thank u thank u I got over 600 reads! I am so happy and I couldn't thank u enough I love u all so so so so much.

Adopted by demi
Teen FictionJasmine was a normal girl we'll sort of if u include her father killing her mom and making her go unconscious normal then yeah she's normal haha no she's not she lives a life that nobody should ever have to live find out what happens when she gets...