Chapter 17

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Jasmines Pov:
I woke up and got dressed in denim shorts and a band t-shirt. I put in my black toms and then picked my book bag up and left Demi a note telling her I was going to school. I got Starbucks and that's one of the things I like about this school ur aloud to have drinks when ever u want to during class. My iPhone went off so I opened it and it was a text from Chloe. she asked me if I could get her Starbucks I told her ok and got her a chocolate chip frappe with extra mocha drizzle same as mine. I walked into the school and out all my books away. when one of the mean girls minions came up and grabbed me by my hair and pushed me into the locker. The queen minion came over aka:the mean girl and said ohh look who it is little miss I'm so perfect because I'm Demi Lovato's daughter. I tried to ignore her and walk away when the same minion from earlier came up and told me to stand there. Me being me stood there until mean girl punched me square in the nose. I whimpered in pain and then, thankfully the principle came over and stopped them from doing worse. She asked the 3rd minion if she did anything when I walked over and said that she didn't do anything. I really don't consider her as a minion because she isn't afraid to hang out with us in public and she talks to us and isn't mean to us. The principle made me go sit in the office and explain what happend she said I was free to go and handed me a late pass. I thanked her and she told me that the other 2 girls will be suspended for 3 weeks due to bullying. I nodded and went to algebra. I finished all my classes and lunch then went home. I came home and Demi and Nick were on the couch making out. I cleared my throat and they just broke apart and starred at me. Demi was glaring at me and I just shook my head and rolled my eyes. I guess her and Nick didn't break up, figures she lied to me once again. I went to my room and did my homework. I feel like Demi doesn't want me here she acts all rude to me around Nick, so I packed all my bags and walked out the door not telling Demi where. I walked to Chloe's house and her mom let me in . She said I could live here if I want and I thanked her. she nodded and smiled. I went upstairs and unpacked all my stuff into Chloe's room. Once I walked in she told me to unpack my stuff then we would talk so I told her everything about Nick and about how I feel. eventually we fell off into a deep dreamless sleep. I love my best friend so much she is amazing I can't believe I actually get to live with her but I'll have to go home sooner or later but, oh well, let's not worry about that right now.
A/N omggg thank u thank u thank u guys so so so much. I love u all so much I mean almost 800 reads that is amazing guys ILYSM. I couldn't have done it with out y'all and I want to dedicate this to lovatic_1508 cause she inspired me to write this story and I'm pretty sure that's her username but in to lazy to check so what ever but yeah I'm going to start dedicating all my chapters to different people. QOTD(question if the day) what is ur favorite color? Mine is blue💎

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