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I knew this was coming. me and demi were in the car then she stopped at a red light and asked why I was in the orphanage. I figured to just tell he and get it over with. I said that one day (a/n if u read the first chapter u don't have to read this.) my father came home and he was drunk I went upstairs until I heard my mom screaming for help I heard a loud BANG and then went downstairs to see what it was. When I got down stairs I saw my father with a gun in his hands and a large pool of blood around my mom. I started screaming until he knocked me out and I woke up to see the police all around me asking me different questions and then I saw my father in hand cuffs. and that's all I really remember I said to demi. when I finished I looked over at her and she had tears in her eyes. When we got home I was really excited to see my new room. I ran inside and demi showed me my room. I immediately fell in love the walls were grey my bed was a king size it had polka dot sheets the were very fuzzy to. it had a black comforter with black ruffles on it. it ha a grey flower pillow and a grey fuzzy blanket at the end of the bed and the plane pillows were just black it had a grey dresser with a huge tv above it . I had a walk in closet that was already full of clothes. demi said that she was going to order pizza cause she can't cook. I unpacked all of my clothes then took a shower and went down stairs after putting clothes on.
We finished eating and I walked up stairs to go to my room after I said good night to demi. I walked in my room and laid in bed before the darkness over took me. a/n ok so comment of u want more long chapters like this cause it's really fun to write. btw this was pretty much 2 chapters combined cause it was suppose to be just about the car ride but then I changed I two when they got home and stuff lol bye

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