Chapter 19

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Cher Lloyd's Pov:(didn't see that coming ayy;) ) I really want to get closer to Jazz, I saw what happend when she saw Wilmer on the tour bus, and let me tell ya I don't want him on the tour either! Demi said it was suppose to be a good "surprise". Well this surprise was the worst one I've ever gotten. I hate Wilmer, me and little mix, and obviously Jazzy hate him too.
Jade Thirwalls Pov:
Ugh! I hate "Wilmer" so much and in pretty sure everyone else (except for Demi) does too.
2 Days Later
Jazzy's Pov:
I've gotten really really close to 2 people while we have been on tour, Aunt Jade and Cher. Aunt Jade is my favorite aunt and Cher is like and older sister. But today it's just going to be me and Wilmer on the bus. This is going to be great! *Note the sarcasm* ugh I wish Wilmer and Demi never met!! Demi came in my room last night saying she wanted to talk. She said that she wanted me to call "Wilmer" dad ! I may or may not have kinda screamed at her and ten pushed her out of my room and blared FU by Miley Cyrus (meh new fave song) But anyways back to today, I got Cher to be able to stay with me and "Wilmer" because I don't like him and I don't feel safe around him, Cher said that she understood because she has the same problem with "Wilmer". The day was "okay-ish" first me and Cher went and got frappes and muffins for breakfast at Starbucks. After that we went to the park and left Wilmer on the tour bus cause we didn't want to be around him. After the park we went to chic•fil•a for lunch and ate inside. Last we went back to the tour bus after getting another frappe from Starbucks. When we got inside we saw Demi standing there looking,well you could say her looking angry was an understatement. We walked in the living room area type thing and saw Wilmer sitting on the couch smirking staring at us. We walked in the other room where Demi was and asked what we did, She started yelling about how we didn't get "Wilmer" any breakfast and how we didn't invite him to spend the day with is and blah blah blah! Me being me said "we don't have to take him places and spend OUR money on "him"! " She said that I was grounded and for me to go to my "room" I walked past where Wilmer was and he was sitting on the couch grinning like an idiot trying not to laugh! I mouthed an I HATE YOU towards him and. Went into my room. A/N okayy guys so I'm really really really really sorry for not updating in like forever but I got grounded from my iPod and that's what I make chapters on so yeah. And thank u all so much for like 1.6K that means so much to me and ily all so much!

P.S. Happy Easter!!🌸what are ya doing for Easter? I'm waiting for my step-dad to get home then I have to find my Easter basket:P then My moms friends are coming up to our house and then some other people are coming over and we are doing an Easter egg hunt :}

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