Chapter 11

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We'll here goes nothing it's my first day without my computer and I'm lonely. I have been in a really bad mood today and was giving Demi a lot off attitude so now I locked myself in my room before I can say anything else that will make her even more mad.

I walked in the kitchen and Demi told me to clean it. I said no and she said what did u just say and I said NO! Do u need me to spell it out for u N.O. Spells No after that I ran to my room and here I am(A/N here I am waiting for u to find me. sorry I like that song lol)

Flashback ends~~~
I am soooo boreddddd. I opened my window and climbed onto the roof. I looked over and there was a girl sitting there on her phone. I smoked and said hi she turned my way and said oh hey. I'm guessing ur the new neighbor? I asked. yup she said. I asked her what her name was and she said Jessica but Jess for short. I smiled and nodded then said well my names jasmine but u can call me jaz or jazzy just please don't call me jasmine. she said ok and then we got each others phone numbers and went back to our rooms and went to bed (A/N just pretend it's night time okay haha I forgot and I'm to lazy to rewrite all that again.) I went downstairs and told Demi I was really really sorry for giving her attitude. she said it was alright and the gave me a hug and told me good night. A/N ok so Ik this chapter sucks but it's just a filler and thank u so so so much for over 300 reads If I could see everyone of u I would hug all of u. and yeah do ur parents ever do that and are like give me ur phone/IPod/IPad/computer since ur giving me attitude. mine does. and the reason I haven't updated in 4 Evaa is cause I was grounded from electronics except for my tv for a week and it was the longest week if my life.
Question Of The Day: what type of phone/iPod/iPad/computer/tablet do u have I have and iPod 5 and a family iPad so yeah lol😘 thank u all so much again.

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