Not A Chapter

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Okay guys so in going to make all of the girls from little Mix and Cher Lloyd have little sisters but Demi isn't going to since she already has Dallas and maddie. so here's how it works

Cher Lloyd's sister----

Perrie's sister------

Jade's sister-------

Leigh-Anne's sister------

Jesy's sister-----

And if u want to be one of there sisters just message me a description of what ya look like and ur name and stuff like that. And I think I'm going to make jasmine have a older sister that she runs into at the mall or something and then she goes to her sisters house (she doesn't know it's her sister) and sees her mom or something lol idk so then we would have to have

Jasmines sister-------

Just message me who ya want to be and all that stuff .thanks love ya and STAY STRONG<3 bby ily

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