Chapter 21

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Jasmines Pov: I forgot to tell u that we're going on tour and Cher Lloyd's sister,Jades sister,Jesy's sister is coming with us! I'm so excited we leave for the tour in 2 days. That way I can say bye to all my friends and so can the girls sisters. I don't know there names but I guess I'll figure them out in 2 days. Today I get to say bye to all my friends though and it's going to be really sad the only person I told about tour was Chloe so we are all having a sleep over at my house and I'm going to tell every one about the tour and then Demi just told me since I would be with them all night I'll just say good bye before they leave tomorrow.

*skip to the sleep-over cause I'm to lazy to write*

*Ding Dong* it was 7:00 and the girls were suppose to be here right about now and the door bell just rang so why sit here ranting on and on when ever my friends are out there, ughh what ever I'm just gonna go now cause I'm embarrassing my self haha. I went and got the door and there stood Hannah and the girls. We all went into the movie theater room which I had made into beds cause the seats turn into beds and me and Chloe are going to share one and then the other girls will get with who ever and sleep with them.

*1 hour later*

Still Jasmines Pov:

So for the past hour we've been talking about who we like/dislike in our high-school even though there's not a lot of ugly boys we still well I don't know how to describe it we were just being girls I guess. After about 30 minutes Demi came in with popcorn and 4 movies which were *Frozen,Step-Brothers,The other Woman, and the Titanic* First we watched Step-Brothers then we watched the Titanic(which made us all cry:( Especially Demi) and then we watched The other woman and then we watched frozen #myfavorite After all the movies we were all really tired so we all got in our pairs and then went to sleep while Demi went to the room right next to the movie room which is also her room so ya know whatever haha.

A/N OMG I'm so so so so so sorry I haven't updated in like forever! I couldn't come up with any ideas and yeah lol:P Thank you so so so much for 2.2K I love u all so much and y'all are amazing so thank u!!


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