Authors Note

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Hey guys IM SUUUUPPPEEEERRRRR SORRY!!!!I know I haven't updated but I've been in Texas and I'm gonna be in Texas but I'm at the hospital rn:/ and I'm gonna be in Texas for the rest of summer bc I'm originally from Tx so I came to spend my summer with my sisters and dad and I'm at the hospital rn and it sucks so ya know I though I would tell u that and I don't have my phone with me in Texas for the summerm(WHICH SUCKS!) But I just got an iPadso it's better but I don't have wifi at my dads so I'm gonna go to my grandmas ALOT bc she has wifi and I'm gonna try and update as much as I can at the hospital and at my grandmas I hope y'all can forgive me love y'all:3333


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