Chapter 8

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I walked inside from school and Demi came over looking really mad. she said I got a call from ur principal today. They said u slapped a girl. do u want to tell me why u slapped her. I said we'll she was being a bully and I got annoyed then she pushed me back while I was trying to do something and then she pushed me back so ya know I slapped her.Demi told me that I was grounded. at least she didn't take my phone or electronics cause. I would die with out then. (A/N ok maybe I'm exaggerating but oh we'll lol) I walked up to my room and texted Chloe telling her what happend. I realized it was almost 8:30 so I ordered a small pizza for my self. I figured Demi was already mad enough so I didn't want her to deal with me again. When the pizza came the guy knocked in the door and then Demi answered it and said that he has the wrong house. I walked over to them and handed the guy $30 and he gave me the pizza. I thanked him and then he left. Demi asked me why I ordered pizza. but instead I ignored her and took the pizza to my room. ate a couple pieces. changed into my pajamas. got up and told Demi I was going to bed she said ok and said good-night. I just walked out of her room cause I was kind of mad for her grounding me when ever I was just sticking up for myself. I got in bed texted Chloe and the rest of the girls and said good night and they all replied the Same Good Night💕. A/N ok I know this chapter sucks but I was bored and I'm really happy that I got over 70 reads! Ok I was just looking for capitals for numbers to make it bigger and then I was like dang that's not fair they don't make one lol we'll I will update tomorrow. good night my lovely readers 💋💕

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