Chapter 13

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Unknown Pov:

I looked at the peaceful sleeping girl and muttered an oh we'll under my breath. I picked her up and went back to my car and threw her in the back seat. I waited for about an hour and the. Saw a ton of police coming into the house. I smiled in satisfaction. I was pulling out when I realized I didn't have my wallet. Sharks I said out loud. I sat there and saw a police officer with my wallet in hand. I drove back to my house and there was a bunch of police sirens behind me and some police officers already there. I got out and then one came over to me and said *wilmer valderrama u are under arrest for kid napping Jasmine Lovato. He took me away as soon as jasmine woke up. She saw Demi and ran up to her crying.

Jasmines Pov:

I went up to my mom and cried in her chest. she comforted me and we had to talk to the police officers. She told me that Wilmer wasn't going to be out of jail for a very long time. I just nodded and me and my mom spent the rest of the day laying on the couch watching disney movies. I slept with Demi for the next 2 nights cause I was scared.

A/N omgg u guys r so amazing over 500 reads that is insane I love all of y'all and wish I could meet all of u even though I can meet some of u because some go to my school and yeah but what ever thank u so so so so so so much


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