Chapter 7

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Carl's POV

"Shirt!" I hear Rylie yell and she tosses over her shirt that I catch.

"Got it." I tell her.

"Pants!" She yells and tosses over her pair of pants.

"Got it." I tell her again, and then she stays silent.
"Ummm... Anything else?" I ask.

"I'm not giving you my underwear!! Gross! I'll just rinse it off in here and dry them in the towel when I'm done." Her voice is muffled, she's obviously in the water now.

"Okay! I'm brining these to Carol now! I'll be back with some clothes for you in like 5 minutes!" I yell to her.

Man I hope I can get back here quick!
I feel so protective of her for some reason. She reminds me of someone but I can't put my finger on who.. I get back to the cell block to find Carol.

"Hey are you washing clothes?" I ask when I find her with Lizzie and Mika.

"Not right now. I think Vivian from the Woodbury group is doing theirs now though." She says sweetly and I thank her.

When I get to the WCB (Woodbury cell block) I look for Vivian's light blonde hair. I find her and tap on her shoulder.
"Carol said you were doing some laundry, I was wondering if you could do these too?" I ask her.

"Of course sweety! Anything you guys need!" She takes the clothes. She's always just too sweet, almost like the mother hen of their entire group.

I hurry up and jog back to my cell to grab Ry some clothes...

Damn I have got to stop calling her that.

~Rylie's POV~

I am almost done in the shower when I hear Carl come back into the room.

"You still in here?" He asks.

"Obviously." I chuckle. "The shower is still on, why wouldn't I still be in here?"

"Just making sure." He says as I turn off the water.

"There are mirrors- around the corner... When you're done getting dressed- if you need one." He trails off.

"Uhh- yeah... Thanks." I say and wrap the towel around me, then my hair.
I walk over to the pile of clothes that are setting on the bench- Carl's clothes to be exact.

At least I rinsed my underwear and bra first, they're almost dry.
I hold up the shirt and chuckle. It's a light blue
t-shirt with dark blue hems. I tug it on over the towel and the rest of my torso.

The pants... They're cargo pants, and they actually fit quite well, although I can't wait to get back into my skinny jeans.
I take a deep breath and walk out.

"They fit?" He asks.

"Mhm. Really well." I say.

"You can change back into your clothes as soon as they're washed." He says as I take the towel off my head and look into the mirror.

"Oh no, I'm keeping this shirt." I laugh.

"What?" He asks shocked. I turn around to him and roll my eyes.

"Kidding." I laugh. "But it is really comfy, I like it." I shrug.

"You got a brush?" I ask.
He gets up from where he was sitting and opens the mirror....


Well I should've thought that it was one of those cabinet mirrors.

"Thanks." I mumble and start brushing through my hair.
Once that's done, I lean over and look at my face.
I almost forgot about my freckles, there was always so much dirt and blood, that they just kind of disappeared underneath it, but they're fully visible now.


My eyebrow!!!


There's a scar on my eyebrow!

God da-- am I really stressing out about my eyebrow?

What does this look like Ry?

A fashion show?

No, who cares about your eyebrow?
I shrug it off and look at my hair one more time...

I need a change. I just need something different. I open up the cabinet mirror and find what I'm looking for.


I pull my long, thin, rib length hair into a pony tail.
I take a deep breath, and cut I little below the hair tie.

"What did you just-" Carl starts, his mouth falling open.

I take out the hair band and let my hair fall, just slightly past my shoulders. Oh my god my hair hasn't been this short since... Since before the outbreak!

"It looks.. Amazing!" I smile and mess with my new short hair, the cut was straight, thank god.

"Where'd you learn to do that?" Carl walks up behind me and laughs.

"Before the outbreak, like a year before the outbreak, I went to get my hair cut, about this length and that's how the lady cut it! So I just did the same." I laugh.

"It suits you. It looks good." He smiles.

I turn back to look in the mirror again, then put my hair back in a ponytail, higher this time.

"What's the point of that?" Carl asked.

"It's shorter now, easier to handle." I shrug and push past him, and into the tombs, not waiting for his direction.

"Uhh... Rylie?" He says and I turn to look at him, raising one eyebrow.

"The cell block is that way." He says, and points to the opposite direction that I was in.

Almost Broken: Carl Grimes fanficWhere stories live. Discover now