Chapter 38

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Rylie's POV.
I don't remember much from those years.
The years my father would... use me for his own good, for his pleasure and pretty much wreck me from the inside out. All the way from both physically and mentally breaking me.
Every day went by and everyone suspected I guess, but no one ever said anything. When all of this began, I found the perfect opportunity to get back at my father, and that seems to be the only thing I actually remember since the outbreak.

"Rylie?" A knock at my door sounds and I already know who it is.
"Can we... Talk?" Daryl asks, and I can tell by the way he says it, that he's not the 'let's talk' type of guy.

"Mhmm." I sit up as he opens the door, the room starting to get light from the rising sun. Daryl comes and sits awkwardly at the end of the bed.

"Are you alright?" He asks me and I chuckle, shaking my head.

"No." I answer truthfully but a bit of humor behind my chuckle.

"Me neither." He smirks.
"Why are you up so early?" I ask him.
"Who's sayin I even went to sleep?"
"You're right I guess." I chuckle. "I didn't either."

"Well why not?" He moves to sit criss-cross on the bed.
"Just.. Thinking about all of this. Everything I don't remember... Everything I do."

"And what do you remember?"

"'s.." I start to say but I can't.

"If it's about your dad.. I already know." Daryl mumbles. My eyes go wide in horror wondering when I told him and why?

"But I-"
"You told me about a week ago... before you lost your memory." He says, looking me right in the eyes but I break the gaze, knowing I'm on the verge of tears.

"I'm not sure if I should tell you this or whether it'll make everything worse... I'm not good at this stuff.. Talking." He chuckles and it makes me smile, while still trying to hold in my tears.

"Tell me." I nod, getting a wave of strength that I pretty much just made up because I know that after he tells me whatever it is, I'll just crumble again.

"Rylie... Last week you guys were on the road and this group that I was with," the disgust in his voice is clear when he says he was with them. "well they found you, Carl, Rick, and Michonne.. Two of the guys were holding you and Carl hostage while they planned how they were going to kill you all and the guy that was holding you, he..."

And that is the moment I'll never forget the look on Daryl's face. Shame. Torture. Regret. Fear.

"Stop." I say to him, tears in my eyes, voice cracking. "He uhh." I clear my throat, although the tears in my eyes would still suggest I was crying.

"I stopped him." Daryl says, speaking from the side, not looking me in the eye.

"You- wha?" I breathe.
"I kicked his bastard ass off you before he did anything." Daryl says aggressively, though I can tell his aggression isn't towards me.

Once again, Daryl's eyes make their way to his lap as his head and shoulders lower as if he's a child being yelled at.
I move from my cross-legged position and crawl across the bed towards this man that seems so much like a broken child, and place my hand on his shoulder. Daryl's head turns to look at me, blue, puffy eyes looking into mine.

My eyes start to water even more looking into his and my lip starts to quiver as I search for the strength to talk to him.

"Thank-you." I choke out, trying my best to not let myself break down, but I can't stop myself from doing so when Daryl's arms wrap around me like a big warm blanket of protection. Both of us, choking back sobs, though I can tell I'm crying more than he is at this point. I'm not sure how long we stayed like that but I never wanted it to end.
Sadly, everything ends.

I do a last little sniffle when he loosens his grip around my small body and I sit up. Everything is quiet, and I feel so safe here in this little room with faded blue walls. I look at him, no smile or frown, no anything except for what I hope came across as gratitude.

"I don't know what to do." I say only it comes off more as a whisper.
"I don't think we're supposed to know... Ever. No one does." He shrugs.

"Damn Dixon, you're smarter than you let everyone think." I say, trying to lighten the mood and smirking when it earns a chuckle from him.

"Calling me Dixon now huh? What happened to pookie?" He laughs but I don't get it. I just sit there for a second with my eyebrows furrowed together until he looks at me.
"Oh... Yeah," he purses his lips and moves his hand to the back of his neck in an 'uncomfortable' motion.

"Something I don't remember I'm assuming." I smile at him just to let him know that it's okay.

"Uhh," he chuckles again. "Yeah." Daryl stands up from the bed and heads toward the door, stopping right before opening it.

"Rylie?" He asks, opening the door, but not yet leaving.

"Yeah?" I press my lips together.

"You're worth so much more than you're giving yourself credit for... To all of us. Carl included." He says, closing the door and not giving me any time to reply to his snide remark.

I sit there for a second before falling right in the bed in frustration.

"Uuuugghhhhhh." I grunt into the pillow and then laugh at myself for how cliché that was.

What does he mean I'm worth more? Am I money now? Okay Ry, he obviously meant your presence is worth more than you know, smart one. Jesus could I be any more dumb? Was bitch Rylie this dumb? What the hell is wrong with me... I mean her... I mean.. I don't even know what I mean.
But I know what Daryl means. Sadly, I know full and well what the Carl part meant.

((Okay I know this was really short but I haven't posted a chapter in like a week and this is all I had written so I'm just posting it now xD I will say that the next chapter will be out sooner, I promise. I've also figured out how many chapters there will be, this fanfic had about 6 or 7 chapters left, PLUS an epilogue. I know how I want to end it, NO I will not tell you 😏 you'll just have to wait. But I will tell you that.... Never mind, not gonna tell you anything! Lol. But yeah so around chapter 45 or 46 will be then end of "Almost Broken"

Just telling you all now! :)

And please comment cause I love reading your comments! Especially you ghost readers that never comment but alway vote.. Idk I just love reading the comments!))

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