Chapter 30

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-Carls POV-



I woke up with my head against the window, Rylie's head against my chest, and my arm protectively wrapped around her. I look forward to where my dad and Michonne are in the front seat, and surprised when I see Michonne slumped over with her head resting on my dads shoulder. She'll probably freak out when she wakes up and whip her head off my dad's shoulder but until then I'll just leave them as is; they need their sleep. I gently turn my head backward to look at Lauren and Daryl, who are both still sound asleep. Lauren is still wrapped up in the blanket that Daryl had wrapped her in earlier and it is now stained with little spot of blood from her cuts a scrapes. I still want to know what the hell happened to her, but at the same time, I'm not going to push her to tell me.
I try to get back into a comfortable position without waking Rylie, but she wiggles a bit and then lifts her head up to look at me, still laying on my chest.

"Morning." She mumbles. She has the cutest sleepy face I've ever seen, right after Judith's that is. I miss Judith like crazy but there are others I need to worry about so I don't let the thought change my expression.

"Morning to you too cutie." I whisper. She blushes and smiles, turning her head from me and laying her cheek against my chest again; I can feel her still smiling. Hell, I'm smiling too.

"What now?" She asks, I'm assuming in a reference to what we are gonna do now that we have a beat up- scratched up Lauren.

"For now I think we try to find things to clean her up, and help her back to normal."

"Whatever happened to her, I doubt that she'll ever just go 'back to normal'." Ry says and she's right, again.

"Well then we help her to where she's back on her own two feet and not aching everywhere." I say trying to make the best of things. I hear shuffling from the back of the van and me and Rylie both sit up.
It's Lauren. She lets out a whimper before she tries to say something.

"Do you have water?" Her voice is hoarse and we both sit there for a split second to stare at her before we move around to get her some water. All the movement must have cause Daryl to wake up because he runs his eyes and sits up.

"You okay?" He asks Lauren. I can't help but see the envious look in Rylie's eyes but I choose to ignore it and continue searching for water.

"Here," Rylie says, handing Lauren her water bottle. "drink up." Lauren pulls the water bottle to her mouth and within about 20 seconds, it's gone.

"Slow down there," Ry laughs.

"Wouldn't want ya to drown yourself." Daryl chimes in and we all chuckle.

"Everyone okay?" My dad says. I guess I didn't notice them wake up.

"We are good. We might need to stock up on water though." I chuckle, nodding my head towards Lauren who is still cut up with dry blood and scabs.

"Should be a stream nearby, if we can find some pain meds, rubbing alcohol, and some cloths, we can get you cleaned up, and stock up on water." Michonne says, looking at Lauren who's Asian eyes have closed again, her body leaned against the seat.

"Thank you." She mumbles.

"Woah there, we need you to stay awake for a little longer okay? We don't want you passing out on us again." My dad says and hops out of the front seat.

"Daryl!" He calls. "You think you can hot-wire the van?" He asks. Daryl scoots up a bit, dodging Lauren and then hopping out of the car, followed my muffled conversations from him and my dad.

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