Chapter 22

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-Rylie's POV-




As we are walking, I can faintly hear Lauren faintly talking behind me, which for some reason sets me on edge. I catch up to Hallie, who was walking next to Michonne.

"Hey little." She says and swings her arm around my shoulder and I laugh a bit. I still can't get over how weird she was acting this morning. I know she's not tellin me something and I hate it.

But I also I hate the distance between me and Carl. And not just walking distance, the distant friendship we once had that I ruined all for nothing. But it's gotten to the point where he's now the one pushing me away and I can't push it and lose him forever.

I shake off the thought when I see a cabin.

"Is this the one?" I ask referring to the cabin Rick was thinking of.

"Yep! Okay, Alissa, Lauren and Michonne, come in and help me clear it out." He whispers as he pushes open the door. The three that he called followed him in as Hallie, Sage, Carl and I made sure it was all clear around the cabin.

However the silent split was determined, I ended up rounding the house with Carl.

Of course I just have to be stuck keeping watch with the guy that kind of hates me at the moment.

We are just about done when I spot a walker pinned between a bunch if wooden planks and the back of the cabin. Carl sees it too but I walk toward it first, planning to stab the fucker in the head. I put my hand on my knife, about to kill it when I hear a walker growl behind me. I turn around, ready for the worst when Carl pushes me to the ground just as the walker took ahold of my shoulder and stabbed it before I could.

"What the hell was that?!" I shout at him.

"I saved your ass that's what it was!" He yells right back, hand slightly gesturing to the motionless walker on the ground.

"You got in my way! I could've handled it."

"Oh please Rylie that walker had a hold of your shoulder, you would've been infected in seconds if I hadn't stepped in!" He yells and moves close to my face.

"Maybe all our lives would've been better if it had happened!" I shout and he steps away from me, shocked from my words.

A flicker between sorrow, apology, and disapproval had shown on his face before Rick came out and separated the two of us.

"Hey! What the hell is going on with you two?! You've been so shitty with each other lately and I'm tired of it! I think everyone is." He says looking at both of us for an explanation, but when I roll my eyes and cross my arms, and Carl looks to his feet, Rick sighs.

"Work it out. Soon. Got it? We have bigger things to worry about than your anger, okay?" He says, both of us still silent, standing across from each other.

"Okay?" He asks us harsher.

"Yeah. Okay."

"Fine" Carl mutters and walks off.

I roll my eyes at the whole situation and go inside with Hallie and the others. I grab Hallie's arm, pull her into a room and shut the door.

"What the hell Ry?" She asks, pulling her hand from my wrist.

"Hal, in case you haven't noticed, I'm not in the best of moods right now and you know more than anyone what that does to me." I speak fast and she silences.

"I know your keeping something from me and I need you to tell me. Whatever it is might calm me down enough to think about things and I jus need my mind off of Carl right now. I hate it when you lie or keep secrets from me and I'd really fucking appreciate it if you'd tell me-"

"I'm pregnant." She says facing her feet. All of a sudden it's like all the wind is knocked out of me as I think of all the outcomes of this.

"You're w-what?" I mumble.

"I'm pregnant." She repeats, lifting her head to look at me.

"Do the others know?" My voice cracks and she shakes her head 'no'.

"Why? Hallie why haven't you told anyone about this-" I raise my voice but she steps closer and covers my mouth with her hand.

"I can't. I will either crush all of them and give us all a death sentence or I'll be killed." She whispers, her green eyes searching mine for understanding.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask after I pull her hand from my mouth.

"The father-" she starts but tears form in her eyes and she stops.

"Kyle is the- was the father."

"Who's Kyle?"

"Sage's brother."

And then, all at once, the seriousness of this all hits me.

Sage's brother was dating Alissa.

Kyle cheated on Alissa with Hallie.

I break my gaze from Hallie's face and sit down on the bed.

"Rylen please say something." She cries quietly.

"She'll kill you." I say and mean it.

From what I understand of Alissa and Kyle's relationship, she was so deeply in love with him. Apparently she didn't talk to anyone for 2 weeks, including Sage when he died. If she knew about this... That'd be it for Hallie.

"I know." She mumbles. She wipes her tears away and stands back up.

"Come on. We need to go back out there. Pull out some acting skills if you have any." She smiles at me and I roll my eyes. In highschool, Hallie would always get the lead roles in the plays, that what she's referring to.

I take a deep breath and stand up.

"You gonna tell anyone about my secret?" She stops me before the door.

"What secret?" I ask, doing my best to look confused. She smiles and pats my head like a dog.

"You're getting better at that Little." She says and walking out the door.

"I've had to pretend everything was okay I think I've gotten good at acting it." I mumble quietly to myself when she's out of ear shot.

I need to think though.

While everyone is walking around the larger-than-normal cabin, I tell Rick I'm going outside to keep watch.

"Here's my bag. Fill it up with whatever and I'll carry it back." I say, handing him my back pack.

"Be careful." He says.

"You too."

I say and those words are all too familiar; the words we spoke to each other when I had left the prison.

"Wait-Rylie" he stops me and hands me his revolver.

"Take this. And don't get in any fights with Carl." He smirks and I laugh at him.

"As long as he doesn't start it." I say before walking out the door.

I walk a little away from the cabin, and look at the sky. It's a beautiful blue with a few clouds here and there. I walk over near a big rock facing the sun and sit on it. I take that moment to soak in the sun when I hear a twig break. I open my eyes and snap my head towards a fence where I had heard the sound. I slowly get up, drawing Ricks revolver from my holster.

I carefully move towards the back of the cabin when I feel the wind being knocked out of me- this time literally unlike my conversation with Hallie. The gun gets knocked out of my hand and all of a sudden I'm pushed up against the fence, hand pinned by my head.

Within the brief seconds that this happened, I had yet to see who it was. When I figured it out, I wish I hadn't.

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