Chapter 10

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~Carl's POV~

I watch as Rylie carefully places Judith back into her crib, and kisses her forehead goodnight. Damn is it night time already?

"Whatcha thinkin about?" Rylie whispers too me after she sets Judy down and walks towards me.

I chuckle and shake my head.
"Just how the day went by so quickly..." I say and shake my head again. Rylie is leaving tomorrow.

She is the only friend I've had this entire time....
Ever since Sophia...
And I mean, I have Michonne, and Daryl kind of, but they're not my age- it's not the same. And there's always the Woodbury group but they're all younger... Well there was Patrick but.... The sickness.

"There's more. I can tell." She says, moving her head down to look me in the eye, since my head is towards the floor.

"It's nothing really, you'd just get mad." I say, remembering earlier today when we got into that argument, and she cut her hand.

"Lemme see this." I say, gently grabbing her wrist and then gently lifting the bandage on her hand.
She winces in pain and I stop moving it.

"You want Hershel to check it once more before you go to sleep and before you leave in the morning?" I offer her.

"Nah, not tonight. I'll just... Tough it out. I'll have him check it tomorrow though okay? Just so you're not worried about it." She gives a half smile and laughs walking towards the cell door.

"Goodnight Rylen." I say jokingly just like I did last night.

"Goodnight.... Carlton." She laughs, then quickly covers her mouth to quiet herself.

"Carlton?" I whisper then laugh.

"I needed a full name to call you! If you call me Rylen, then I can call you Carlton." She shrugs, and leans against the metal cell frame.

"But my name isn't Carlton. Your name IS Rylen." I say.

"And I don't care." She chuckles and uncrosses her arms. "Goodnight Carlton." She repeats herself, and walks out of the cell, an up to hers.

I sigh, and climb up to the top bunk. I don't know where dad is, probably talking to Daryl or Tyrese, but when he gets in here, he's not gonna want to climb to the top, so i left him the bottom.

~Rylie's POV~

*next morning*

When I wake up, and can see the sunlight seeping through the large barred windows across from the cells. I sigh and sit up. I look down and realize I'm still in Carl's clothes.

"Shit" I mumble to myself and stand up. I put my black hightop converse on, and decide to leave my bag here for now, until I leave. I head down the stairs and into the other room.

"Goodmorning" I say to Carl as I sit down next to him with my plate of food.

"Hey how'd you sleep?" He asks, mouth full which makes me chuckle.

"I'm not sure I'm even awake." I say and roll my eyes.

"You're leavin today." He says, stating the obvious, mouth still full of food.

"I know." I answer and dig into my food.

When we get done, I take mine an Carl's plates and set them up by Carol, and she smiles at me.

"Carl!" I yell loudly as I turn around.

"Yeah?" He raises an eyebrow and walks towards me.

I lean in and whisper to him.
"Where are my clothes?" I ask and we both start laughing, and Carol chuckles to herself. I'm assuming she heard me.

"Come on. They're in the Woodbury cell block." He laughs and leads me into the tombs.

It's a silent walk, but I don't want to talk. And I'm assuming he doesn't either.

"Vivian?" He asks as we get into the cell block. I realize that in the last few days I've been here, I haven't exactly talked to a lot of the others besides the ones in the other cell block. A woman with light blonde hair and light blue eyes turns to Carl.

"Are those clothes I handed you yesterday clean?" He asks sweetly.

"Oh yeah! They're in my cell, hold on and let me go get them!" She says and runs to a cell behind us. The only people I recognize in here is Lizzie, Mika, Tyrese, and Sasha.

I look around at everyone else. Like Carl said, there's no one else our age here. They're all younger. As my eyes sweep across the room, something stops me.

A little girl.

A little girl that looks exactly like Molly.

I can feel the lump in my throat start to form as I watch the girl turn and smile at a woman, who I assume to be her mother. Everything around me is a blur as I look at the little girl, who looks so much like Molly, the only other person I had actually grown to care for before she was ripped from me.

"Rylliieeeee?" Carl says annoyed as he waves a hand in front of my face.

"What?" I say, breaking my gaze and looking towards him.
"Your clothes." He says coldy and hands my clothes to me.

"Thanks..." I mumble, worried about his sudden harshness.

"Come on. You should leave soon." He spits and in that moment, I feel something. Something I haven't felt in a while.

I feel broken.

I know he doesn't want me to leave, but then him just pushing me to leave like that....
I don't know.
In a way, I was hoping he'd convince me to stay, to be apart of the group...
But now I know he doesn't want that.

"Yeah." I say, and the lump in my throat from seeing the little girl, has grown bigger and I can feel my eyes start to swell. Thank god he's walking in front of me so he won't see me cry- almost crying.
I give a small sniffle and we get to the cell block. He stops and turns towards me, but I bow my head to look at the ground and shove past him, up to the cell I've been staying in.

Once I get there, I lose it. I break down, all the feelings I've held in, all the loss of people that I refused to deal with, comes rushing out, and I feel the brokenness inside me.

I hope to god no one comes up here and sees the tears streaming down my face.

The moment I think it, Daryl walks by my cell, obviously going to his, but he stops in his tracks and moves towards my cell.

"Hey, uhh, you okay?" His gruff redneck voice asks me, and I scoff.

"Does it look like I'm okay Daryl? I'm crying my eyes out and you're asking me if I'm OKAY?" And with smaller tears now, I laugh.
Not because I think it's funny, but because of how pathetic I am: how stupid I was to get attached to anything- to anyone.

"Uhm. Do you- want to talk about it?" He asks obviously hesitant... Daryl doesn't strike me as the type of guy to 'talk about feelings'.

"I don't like company." I say as I sit up from the bed.

"Well then... I'm just gon' go." He says and shrugs.

"I never said I didn't want to talk though." I shout to him, I see him smirk as he turns around and walks into the cell.

(Okay guys so I usually try not to do these authors notes but I really wanted to do this one. So I hope those of you that are reading this are enjoying it? I'm trying to add in some... Stuff.. Thaaaangs. Lol, anyways, I was wondering if you guys would go and spread the word about my story? It'd mean so much to me and I want to try to get this more known, you know? Anyways, please comment and don't forget to vote!! <3)

Almost Broken: Carl Grimes fanficWhere stories live. Discover now