Chapter 20

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((when you're done reading this chapter, my question that I want you to answer in the comments:

Rarl or no Rarl?

(Rarl= Rylie+Carl)))




-Rylie's POV-




I've been laying in this room since Carl left. I haven't exactly talked to anyone, and it's now night time. As I'm laying on my side in the dark room, I can hear muffled conversations.

"Here take an extra blanket." I think Sage is the one that said it.

"No hon you're fine. You need it more than me, take it."

"Thanks Liss."

"You two comfy?" I hear Hallie ask, and then silence. I'm assuming they nodded their heads. I soon hear footsteps down the hall that get closer to my door, but they stop. I sit there waiting for the door to open, expecting it to be Hallie, but the door never opens. Instead, those footsteps fade to the door across from mine, and new footsteps approach, this time being Hallie's. She doesn't speak, just comes around to the other side of the bed and climbs in. She probably thinks I'm asleep...



"I'm glad we found each other." I whisper.

"Words can't explain Ry. I told them I needed to find something that could possibly change our lives.. They thought it was something like.. I don't know, the cure or something," she chuckles. "but really I was just selfish. Dragging them around trying to find you. But you have changed our lives already, so I guess I wasn't lying." She says, and even though I can't see her, she smiles, and I do too. It's silent for a second and I hear her sniffle.

"I'm sorry I left you.." She quietly cries.

"It wasn't your fault Hal, you were just-"

"No. Rylie I should've found you! I should've looked around for you right when the yells at camp started. Mom and dad left us there and we were by ourselves, only each other left."

"But that wasn't your fault. How were you supposed to know that mom and dad would just ditch us there? Hallie, you were scared. When the herd came through camp, all you could think was run and don't look back. I did the same... Only in the opposite direction. It wasn't until I bumped into a stray walker that I realized we weren't together."

I push back tears, not wanting to cry again.

"I still feel like it's my fault." She says, voice shaky.

"It's not." I assure her and she sighs.

"I love you Rylen. Goodnight." She's whispers.

"Night." I mumble, not sure if she heard or not. She rolls over and eventually falls asleep.

But I don't.

Instead, I sit there. Lying awake in this pitch black room, the half moon being the only light showing. I sit there, thinking about everything that had happened today. I found my sister. I found her safe, healthy and alive. Rick seems to like her group so that's a good sign. Michonne was talking to them sometimes and that's great too. There's a lot to like about them. Sage is a total sweetheart, just kind, funny, and she's super adorable. Lauren is quiet but she's smart. And I mean really really smart. I think Hallie said she was my age but the way she talks and acts makes me feel like she's 2 years older... She's taller than me too, but then again, a lot of people are. And even though Alissa comes off as this hard-ass, stuck up, rude, controlling person at first, she really cares about their safety, the four of them, Sage especially. Sage and Alissa have this bond that I can't explain. It's almost like it's a sister bond stronger than me and Hallie even. I know Alissa was dating Sage's brother before he died so I guess his death brought them closer together.

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