Chapter 40

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Daryl's POV

I load my bow and shoot the skank before the dead bitch gets to me. I honestly have no clue what I'm doing out here... I really don't know where I'm going or if I'm even in the right direction. All I know is that I'm doing this for Rylie.

"Daryl," Lauren breathes. "Can we stop for a second?" She says, sitting down on the ground and I nod, following her actions and sitting down against the tree.

"Why are you doing this?" She asks.

"Why d'you wanna know?" I say back.

"I just... Never mind." She sighs.

I just sit there for a second before replying to her.

"I'm doing this because... I don't know.. I had a thought this morning that maybe since Ry is missing Hallie so much that.. Seein her might bring her memory back, ya know?" I sigh and stand up.

Lauren follows and we continue walking.

"So why do you put on that tough-guy act when really you care about people?" She asks like it's no big deal. I ignore her question.

"Daryl?" She asks getting annoyed.

"Look kid it ain't like I owe it to ya to answer your questions."

"Excuse me for trying to care." She shoots back.

"Yeh well caring is what gets ya killed kid." I say, not looking back at the Asian girl.

"You care about Rylie. That's why we're fucking out here in the first place. Gonna get us killed Daryl? Huh? Or does caring only matter when you do it?" She pushes back.

"Weren't you the one that was found with your dead baby brother?" I turn around and glare at her. She looks at me, mortified.

"How did you-"

"Rick told me before I left with you." I stare at her. "See. You cared. And it hurt ya in the end. Hallie and her group found ya almost dead yourself!"

Instead of yelling back at me like i'd expected, she takes a deep breath.

"What happened to you?" She squints her already squinted eyes at me.

"You really wanna know what happened to me?" I grunt.

"Yeah. Why not? Doesn't seem like you've gotten all your hatred for me out so keep goin!" She yells.

"I don't hate you." I huff and turn around.

"Sure as hell seems like it." She storms past me, walking fast.

"Look I wanna know what your problem is." I say to her, walking behind.

"Fuck you." Is all she says. I'm just about to start yelling at her again when I hear my name being called from behind me. Lauren stops and turns around first, while I'm still in shock.

When Lauren's mouth drops, that's when I know I need to turn around.

"Daryl!" Carol says, jogging slightly to catch up to me and hugs me surprisingly. Behind her I see Tyreese... And 3 girls.. One of which is holding a baby that looks a lot like Judith.

"Alissa, Sage! Hallie!" Lauren says from behind me and runs to hug the three girls.

Hallie? Hallie is with Tyreese, Carol and Judith?

"How'd you guys-" Lauren starts.

"We bumped into them and Carol was telling us about the group she was with and it had reminded me of what Rylie explained and then I realized-" the one with Judith in her hands explained.

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