Chapter 23

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"Listen I know what I said but I just want to talk." Carl says, pinning both my hands above my head against the fence with one hand, and covering my mouth with another.

Somehow, I manage to get his hand off my mouth.

"Carl what the fuck!"

He lets my hands go but I decide not to move, OR SLAP HIM LIKE I FUCKING SHOULD- but instead I let him talk.

"Rylie, let me just start off by saying you are a bipolar bitch sometimes but-"


I scoff and start walking away right after he said it but he grabs my arm and pushes me to the fence again. I'm taken back by his strength, I never realized how strong he really was. He sets his hands against the fence, both hands by my ears, basically blocking me in.
"-let me finish. You're a bipolar bitch BUT," he says again and I roll my eyes. "you're also sweet, caring, smart, funny, dorky, beautiful, and I can't get my mind off you anymore! It's like ever since I met you I can't think of anything but what you're feeling! How you are? If you're safe?... When the governor barged into the fences, there was this moment where I wasn't thinking about Judith or Hershel or anyone else I had just lost; that were gone, but You. I thought about you Rylie! And no matter how much you push me away, or how many times I tell myself that I can live without you, that you don't need me- I can't help but bring myself right back to you again and again."

I can't help but look into his pleading eyes and see the dark blue specks that appear only when he looks at me.

"Carl? I don't know what to say I mean you just fucking ambushed me and pushed me against a fence against my will and then you confess your feelings for me?What the hell kind of reaction did you expect to get from me like thi-"

"Shut up." He says, closing his eyes and leaning in.
I don't know what he was doing until his body was against me, and his lips crash into mine. I take a sharp breath out of surprise but then give in. His soft lips are still pressed against mine as his hands move from the fence to my waist and I move mine to his neck. He separates his lips slightly and I do the same, but our tongues never meet seeing as neither of us even tried to. I was so caught up in 'me and Carl' that had completely forgotten why I was mad at him. After a minute I think, he pulls away.

"I'm sorry." He says, pinching his eyes closed, hands still on my waist. I've slid my hands from his neck to his inner-shoulder.

"I had to." He continues, putting our foreheads together and I laugh with my eyes closed.

"I know." I giggle and stick my tongue between my teeth, hoping his eyes are still closed. He backs away and opens his eyes, as I do the same.

"Do you know why I did it?" He asks, and I playfully shake my head no.

"I think you need to kiss me again so I'll understand." I joke with him and bite my lip as he moves close again, this time I turn my head so he kisses my cheek.

"What was that for?" He asks, me still facing the same way.

"I thought I heard something..." I say, hopeful that he won't catch on to what I'm doing.
He turns his head in the same direction,
"what?" He says getting scared and I take the time to kiss him on the cheek and run away.

I turn back in time to catch him flinch, eyes widen in realization that I had just won whatever game we were playing.

"Oh hell no Rylie get back here!" He jokes and chases after me. I do a fake little scream and run even faster than before, running past trees and through some weeds around the cabin.
I run behind the cabin and between some sort of shed and hide, watching Carl run right past me. I silently giggle and stay there for a second, just in case he comes back around. I decide that it's clear and slowly move out of my hiding spot but stay against the cabin, poking my head around the corner hoping to get a view of him. When I don't see him I turn back around and I freeze.
The only thing I see is about 200 walkers maybe a football field away from the cabin, coming towards me. My berthing gets heavier as I sprint to the front of the cabin.

"C-Carrl!!!" I yell. Out of the corner of my eye I see him run behind me and slip his hands around my waist.

"Gotcha!" He yells.

"Carl stop-"

"I thought we were-"

"There's walkers! A whole fucking herd of them coming this way!" I say as quickly as possible and his eyes widen. We both sprint for the cabin and burst in the door.

"There's a huge herd coming this way, we have to go now!" I shout loud enough that everyone hears.
All of a sudden, everyone bursts into a chaotic spree of gathering all the stuff we found as quickly as possible. The first ones out are Hallie, Sage, Alissa and Lauren- followed by Rick, Carl, Michonne and I. When we get out there, the four girls sprint for the road and we try to follow but we get cut off by walkers.

"This way!" Rick yells, turning back to the other side of the cabin.

"Shit!!" I yell, remembering Rick's revolver I had dropped when Carl kissed me. I do a quick turn and stumble to grab the gun.

"Rylie!" Michonne yells and slices a walkers head off. I sprint back to them and struggle to catch up. We soon slow down to a steady pace of running, and I almost cry.
Once again, I find myself running in the opposite direction of Hallie, possibly never to see her again, along with her dangerous secret.




((3.6K ?!?! How is this even possible?! Thank you so much for everyone who is taking time to even read this little authors note.... Anyways, sorry it's a short chapter but a lot of stuff happened, so I want some feedback, questions, predictions, and everything and I'll try to answer you all!!
Love ya!
-meeggggss xoxoxo)))

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