Chapter 25

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(( okay so there is an authors note at the very end of this, it is kinda long but please please read it, it's SUPER important!))



-Rylie's POV-


For the last year, I ran.
All I did was run. I ran from walkers, from people...
But most of all I ran from my past. I ran from the life I used to have and the dark twisted secrets I had never told anyone. I ran from my fears- like running was going to keep me safe.
It never did though, all that fear, that fake trust in God, always caught up to me and bit me in the ass. I couldn't face it, that one issue- I never could.
For 5 years holding that in, I couldn't escape it. Every night, I replayed it over and over and over- then this hell started. It took my old life away, my old memories, friends, family, and secrets.

They all sunk in a river and I kept floating downstream like it would never catch up to me again. But now, it's like I got stuck on a branch and my past is racing down the stream, quickly approaching me and in the time that I need to run the most; I'm stuck.


In this moment, with this buff guys arms around my small scrawny body, I know the fear is taking over; my past has caught up to me. As the man with the gun to Rick's head explained everything, I stayed still, utterly and completely still out of shock. The man said that they were the group in the house, Rick had killed one of their men and this was their revenge.

I glance over to Carl and Michonne who are being held by 2 other men; same burliness as my 'prison guard'.

"First we'll kill her," the man points to Michonne. "then the boy, then the girl, and we'll leave you for last, we'll kill you slowly so you can feel every inch of pain for as long as possible... Then we'll leave you all to turn and-" He smiled deviously and it sends chills through my body.

"Stop! Just stop!" I yell, cutting his horrid rant off. He slowly looks over at me as I struggle under the mans grip.

"Aww. The little lady wants to be the hero." He chuckles and it's like nails on a chalk board in the silence.

"Dan, do what you want with her." He says to the man holding me, and Dan starts pushing me forward.
He kicks the inside of my knee and I fall to the ground, crying out in pain as my knees hit the gravel on the road. I can hear Carl take a sharp breath but he doesn't move since he's still in the grasp of the other man. Dan pushes my face down to the ground and in seconds he's on top of me. I feel him tie my hands together and I can't stop my tears. It's like my mind is on it's own because I hear myself mumbling: "stop please stop", quietly, over and over again.
It's like all the energy I ever had was drained out of me and I feel the weakest I have ever been in my life; I can barely speak knowing what is about to happen.
He harshly grabs my shoulder and flips me over to my front. My puffy eyes glance at Dan and I see a grim smile on his face as he leans back down on top of me. At this point, my vision is blurry and my mind is racing, but I still feel his cold hands hit my lower stomach and I flinch at the contact.
His fingers slowly trail down to my pants, popping the button and pulling down the zipper.
I don't know what happened, but I slow everything down, taking in the last bit of life before it all changes again. My hearing focuses on the sharp breaths Carl is taking as he watches what's happening to me. I can hear Rick's breathing but it's more staggered; he's crying. And Michonne, I can't see her but I know her head is down, not watching. I try to pull myself together and I wiggle under Dans fat ass as he unhooks his own belt and pants.
"Where you goin little lady?" His gross raspy voice asks and he pulls me back, this time sitting harder on my legs. He sets his hands back on my stomach but this time they travel up. His touch sends shivers through me and I cry harder, knowing good and well what's coming next.

Almost Broken: Carl Grimes fanficWhere stories live. Discover now