Chapter 43

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((LAST CHAPTER OF ALMOST BROKEN. Please enjoy it and I love you all so much for your amazing support, I wouldn't have got this far without you. There will be an epilogue (basically a concluding chapter) but that will be later sometime.))




Carl's POV

I run upstairs just in time to hear a gunshot and hear Daryl yell Rylie's name.

"Daryl!" I sprint into the room. I expect to see the worst; Hallie in bed and Rylie with blood pouring out of her skull but it's kind of the opposite. Daryl had Rylie in his arms and is lifting her up and Hallie is dead on the ground. I cover my mouth and tears are brought to my eyes at the realization of what happened. Daryl isn't crying, but I can tell he was about to because when he carried Rylie past me, his eyes were red.

My dad runs into the room with me, followed by Michonne. Carol and Tyreese follow Daryl to the other room to lay Rylie in.

"She must've turned while we were gone." My dad says as he squats down, looking sadly at Hallie.

"Could the baby still be alive? Would the infection spread that quickly?"

"I don't think the baby had a good chance surviving the fever... And even if it did, it's too little to live if we got it out." He says sadly and my heart breaks.

"What do we tell Rylie.." I mumble and my dad stands up and turns to me.

"We don't..." He says and pulls me in for a hug, and I don't decline.

How in hell could this day go from the best day in a long time to one of the worst. I don't know what to do for Rylie. I don't know how to handle this, I don't know how to handle her. I could barely handle myself when my mom died, I can't handle anyone else.

I hold onto his embrace for as long as I can before he let's go and years are down my face without me even realizing.

"I'm gonna go check on her." He says and brushes past me and out the door.

I stare at Hallie's body... She was honestly beautiful, not like Rylie, but she was. I look at her body, all sprawled out on the floor, soaking in her own blood that hadn't yet rotted because it was fresh. Her hair knotted and dry looking, and her skin a pale green.

I look up at Michonne.

"What do I do?" My lip quivers.

She looks at me sympathetically, and shakes her head.

"I don't know." Her lip quivers as well. I lean into her side and cry, as she comforts me. Michonne has been the mother figure for me since my mom died and I can't thank her enough. No one can replace mom but I'm so thankful to have someone like Michonne with me because I don't know where I'd be without her right now.

The next two days went by in a blur... A crazy, tear filled blur. Daryl, Rick, and Tyreese help get Hallie's body out of the house and we close her door, and lock it. We buried Hallie the next day, Rylie was there but never said a word... We buried her next to Sophia, a cruel reminder of the bitterness this world is.

Rylie is awake, but not talking. She sits in the chair in the corner of her room, staring at the bed as if Hallie were in it, like she did when Hal was sick. I watch Rylie from the door frame, and my heart breaks for her. Not a second goes by that she moves to look at me, or anyone else that walks into the room. She blinks of course but her sight never wavers from that bed. Eventually, I move from the doorway and sit on the bed, directly in her line of vision.

Almost Broken: Carl Grimes fanficWhere stories live. Discover now