Chapter 13

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Rylie's POV

I sit here in shock of the sight in front of me. Tears start to fill my eyes as I look at the last hope I would've had. I have a small thing of crackers, barely any water left- but food isn't even what I care about.

Where is everyone?!

Are they okay?

What happened?

Who did this?

Did...did anyone die?

I want to go down there, I want to go look for people, for things, but I know if I go down there, I won't come back alive...
Or atleast I won't come back human.
I stare at the prison for a good twenty minutes just crying, not knowing what to do.
I always have a plan.
Even before the world went to shit, I planned my outfit, I planned my day, I even planned my homework schedule! You could say I was kind of uptight, but that's just how I was raised.
When the outbreak happened, I was kind of relieved in a way.
I had no more rules, no more restrictions on what I could or couldn't do.
I was- in a way- free.
But now I know it sucks to be free, you lose everyone and everything. I had a plan. The prison was a part of it and now, now it's gone. The people, the few great memories I had are gone. And I'm alone, for good now. When I left, I guess in the back of my mind i knew I could come back, to people, shelter, food- I knew I wasn't REALLY alone but now, now I am.
I shake off the image in front of me and turn to walk away. Leaving the prison behind me, and not looking back.
"See what happens when you get attached?! You thought you were safe, and you're not. Dumb ass." I think to myself.

Where am I supposed to go? What am I supposed to do?!

I walk for about 10 minutes before I have another mental break down in the middle of the woods

stupid me- more walkers start to come. I get myself together and continue walking.

It's now sunset and I'm not sure where I am. I never do, but right now I feel even more lost than ever. The sky is an amazing pink, orange, and purple mix when I get to these railroad tracks. In the mud beside them, I see maybe 3 pairs of footprints? They don't look like they're dragging like walkers... What if it's them? Someone from the group?

I decide to follow them just in case. Right now I'm kind of desperate for food.
Water too, but I can always go down the the stream to get some I guess. After a while of following the tracks, they stop at a road. Should I keep going? I mean, I don't know where they would've went after this, there's no other trail... Why not. I mean, I've already come this far, I might as well just keep going. Plus it's almost dark, and it's not safe to be out here unprotected, and it looks like there's houses down the street. I can clear out a house, board it up, stock up some supplies and stay for a few days until I get back on my feet. My hand is killing me too. I mean, it seems scarred over and doesn't look infected or anything, but I really just wish Hershel was here to check it. I wonder where everyone went? If they're okay? I shake the questions off. I can't keep thinking like that. I walk up to one of the houses that look pretty in tact, and nudge the door. When It doesn't budge, I sigh and set my bag down. I back up just a bit, then kick the door with all the energy I have left, and watch the door fly open. I walk inside of the two story house and kill just one walker that was roaming around inside. I check the cabinets for food, and find a box of crackers, and a can of soup. Hopefully it's still good. I sigh and walk back out to the front porch and grab my bag. When I turn around, I stop because something caught my eye, and it saw me too.

"Rylie?" Carl asks from on top of a roof.

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