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"Tae!! Wake up!!" I woke up rubbing my eyes while glaring at Jimin for waking me up during my nap.

"Yah! Why don't you wake up someone you're size?!" I said clearly sounding pissed. "What! We're in class not you're house!"

I groan lightly and look out the window beside me watching the butterflies go in between the pink flowers.

I smile lightly and turn back to the teacher

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I smile lightly and turn back to the teacher. (Mrs. Areum)

"Class for the next five weeks your gonna be working on a project."

"Yes you'll have partners,"

"but I will chose them myself." She finishes.

The whole classes groans. "Aish! It's just a project. You kids tch." Mrs. Areum mumbles.

While Mrs. Areum calls out names I nudge Jimin's shoulder. "What is it Tae?"

"It seems like we do a project every month during the school years. It just got to September and Mrs. Areum is already giving us projects." I said while whining.

"I know Tae." He mumbles. "Taehyung and Jimin."

Mrs. Areum calls our names and we both answer with a 'Okay.'


School finally ended. After school Jimin usually walks me home, sometimes he'll stay at my house for awhile.

Mostly likely he waits for me because I work at a Bakery that is just down the street of my apartment.

"Hey Tae. Are you working today?" Jimin asks. "Yeah, Jin told me today was gonna be a busy day or something." I answer while sighing.

"Oh okay."


I'm now half-way to my house, Jimin said he had something to do so he left not to long ago.

Ah sorry. Let me introduce myself.

I'm Kim Taehyung. I'm like your ordinary high-school student that works part time in a bakery after school. I live in Daegu, I live alone and I have my own home. My parents work in Seoul so I'm alone. I do have siblings but they moved to America, sadly.

"Ah~ I made it." Once I finally spotted my house I immediately go towards it and go inside.

I put my bag down and go to my closet to get my work clothes.

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