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Days passed and I've been thinking of forgiving Jimin. I mean, I noticed that he really does want me to forgive him and noticed he looks very sad these days.

I'm starting to feel bad and guilty, but I'm not like too sure. It's a hard choice for me. Why is reality hard?

"Kookie? Can I ask you something?" I say fiddling with my fingers.

"What is it Tae?" Jungkook asks sitting next to me wrapping his arm around me.

"I just... I was thinking that... if it was right too... forgive Jimin...?" I say nervously. I then felt Jungkook shifting around.

"U-Uhm Tae... are you sure? I mean if you really think you could forgive him then you can. It'll be hard for me to let go of what he did to you." Jungkook says then grabs ahold of both of my hands.

"I think... I mean he was there for me for a long time. He saved me from being... r-raped..." I say with a nervous tone.

"Raped?!? Who raped you?! Tae baby tell me right now!!!" Jungkook says angrily and stands up.

"L-Lee Dojung..." I then stand up in front of Jungkook. "But I didn't get raped! Jimin saved me." I say placing my hand onto Jungkook's chest.

"But you could have been Tae... and who the hell is Lee Dojung?" Jungkook said pulling my hand off his chest then intertwining it.


I told everything to Jungkook, he was very mad. He really wants to beat up Dojung I can tell but I can't let it happen because I thought maybe Dojung might beat me up or threaten me.

I haven't seen Dojung for awhile now and I've been very happy. Jungkook keeps a company of me he spends time with me and he makes me happy it's just... I like him and we act like a couple but we aren't dating.

*ding ding*

"Huh?" I grab my phone and unlock it.

From: Unknown Number
Hey Tae. It's me Jimin. I was wondering if we could meet up. I really want to apologize for what I have done. I know you probably will ignore this message but I really miss you like so much. Please reply back when you see this.

To: Unknown Number
Hey Jimin|
Hey J|

I don't know if I should... is it a good idea?

Word Count: 520
Hello my lovely readers! I'm back with a update I'm sorry if it's short and yes I changed my username again, I'm being drunk lately so (not legit drunk) yeah. This is not gonna be edited so sorry if I made mistakes.

Thank you for reading this chapter my lovelies!! I love you!! Bye Bye! 💕

Thank you for reading this chapter my lovelies!! I love you!! Bye Bye! 💕

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-mum out ☀️

Should Taehyung forgive Jimin?

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