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"You can't keep me here long!" I yell out and felt a hard kick to my stomach making me lose breath and start gasping for air.

"You've said that five times already! Can't you shut up!!?" The man yells and pulls me up by my neck.

I start choking and tried pulling his hand off but I felt weak and couldn't build any strength to pull his hand away.

"L-Le—t *gasp* m- *gasp* me go!" He finally let go and I start gasping for air once again.

"You won't get away. Tzuyu is way more smart and rich than you so she can do anything to you! She's controlling you." The man says and walks out the door like nothing happened.

I squint my eyes at the pain and then start rubbing my neck trying to make the pain go down.

"A-Ah... I wa-nna leave... It's t-torture here..." I whine and felt tears form in my eyes.

"I w-wanna go home..." I start crying and then suddenly the door opened again.

"You ready baby boy?"

I'm feeling anxious.

Where is Tae? What happened to him? And what did he mean 'He didn't want to hurt me'? I'm filled with questions and if you're wondering, I did try finding him after he ran away from me, but guess what I didn't find him anywhere.

He's been gone for two weeks! I'm worried yet I feel like I shouldn't be worried. What is going on??

"Jungkook! Pay attention please?" Mrs. Areum says looking at me while arching her left eyebrow.

"A-Ah yes! Sorry Mrs. Areum!" I say and start watching what she was writing on the chalk board.


"Hey Jimin. Can I ask you something?" I suddenly ask as Jimin walks pass me but stops and looks back at me.

"What?" He says with a bored/pissed tone.

"Have you seen Tae?" I ask and just furrow my eyebrows. Jimin arched his eyebrow and then turns his whole body my ways.

"Noo~ I thought he was with you for two weeks!" He answers with a anxious tone.

"No. I-I don't know..."


After I explained everything to Jimin, he was shocked. "What happened to him?" He asks.

"I don't know maybe we went somewhere? Moved?" I suggest.

"No. He would usually tell me or you." He adds then puts a finger on his chin.

That's when everything hit my sense. He would tell me right? He usually would tell me. But... I fucked up.



"I think I messed up."

"How so?"

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