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>>Finding The Truth<<

< 2 Weeks Later >

As I sit at the park bench I see a bright figure come in view. I smile widely and thought of Taehyung but it was Tzuyu.

She walks up to me and tries to hug me but I cringe and push her away. She pouts.

"Oppa~ How come you aren't hugging me?" She asks pouting.

"Don't call me oppa again Tzuyu. Listen! What happened to Taehyung! Ever since he came out of the hospital has been avoiding me very badly and then all of a sudden he is gone!? He was gone for two weeks!!" I yell out and she widened her eyes and backed away.

"T-Taehyung is gone!" She said sadly surprised.

"Yes! And you have something to do with it! I can tell because ever since he was gone you've been acting a little strange lately! I KNOW YOU DID SOMETHING WITH HIM AND TELL ME NOW!!" I yell in her face and she looked terrified.

"I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! I'M VERY SCARED RIGHT NOW BECAUSE HE IS GONE!" She said and then her eyes watered.

I roll my eyes and shook my head in disappointment. I then walk off ignoring her lame calls.

I know she did something.

I can feel it, she did something for sure and I'm gonna find out what is up with her.

< Next Day >

"Look guys. It's been almost a whole month since Tae has been gone! I'm gonna go crazy!" I say fisting the table.

"Woah! Woah! Calm down Kook, we will find but remember we are still kinda clueless on what's going!" Jin says and sits beside me.

"I know I know but not seeing Tae anymore really breaks my heart!" I say and felt tears dwell in my eyes.

"I miss him and basically it was my fault for letting Tzuyu invade my life." I sadly say and put my head down.

I hear Jin sigh and he started rubbing my back. "Don't cry Kook, you need to stay strong for Taehyung." Jimin suddenly says making me look up at him.

I nod my head and grin a little. "Okay... I'll try."

(A/N: Warning- Abusive content and Swearing might occur.)

"Please Let me Go!!" I cry out and I start rubbing my bruised arm, I look at the chains cuffed around my wrist. I whine in pain.

But as I whine the door opens revealing two big men in black, but once they move away from each other I see Tzuyu smiling.

"Long time no see Taehyung." She says and walks up to me but I back away.

"Aigoo~ Don't be afraid." She says and then lifts me up making my legs feel like their mushed.

"I told you before. Stay.Away.From.Jungkook but now guess what he thinks that I took you away. He's getting suspicious and I HATE THAT! YOU LITTLE BITCH YOU DESERVE TO DIE! JUNGKOOK WOULD'VE BEEN WITH ME BUT YOUR BITCH ASS HAD TO GET IN THE FUCKING WAY!!" She yells out loud and I flinch.

"I d-did but he just hugged me on accident." I say.

"Oh and you told him you can't tell him what's happening because you'll hurt him?" She says arching her fake eyebrow.

"THAT'S THE TRUTH ISN'T IT!!" I yell out and she frowns.

"Hurt him. I want dead."

As I got to Tzuyu's big ass house I see her and two big men coming out of her garage door.

She looked mad but then all of a sudden she smiles. "Finally! He is passed out onto the floor! Thank you!" She says and then turns towards both the men.

But then one of them said.

"I got his blood on my hands."

I widened my eyes at what she said.

"No! No! Don't t-touch me!" I cry and felt one man lift me up by my neck making me choke.

"You weakling." The man says smiling but then all of a sudden I felt a metallic taste on my taste buds.

I was let go onto the ground and I groan at the pain. I cough up blood making it hard for me to breath but then I get kicked in the stomach me wheeze.

I sounded horrible and I look horrible.

I then got pushed to the brick wall making me whimper. I contiue coughing until I punched in the face making me almost lose consciousness.

I get punched in the face one more time and I feel to the floor, limp and weak.

I see Tzuyu smiling but then frowned. "Ew. You look so ugly Taehyung." She says and walks out but first she takes a photo of me and I flinch then saw darkness once again.

"Oh Tzuyu. I'm so gonna get you soon." I angrily say and stomp off back to the bakery.


"Tzuyu has Tae! I know she does." I say and both Jimin and Jin look at me.

"I'm gonna get him but I'm gonna need some help."

Word Count: 974
Hello my lovelies! 💕 I'm back with an update! Listen, I've been kinda busy with editing on my FF but I still will have time to update on Wattpad! Anyways! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! No edit so sorry for my mistakes! I love you all so much! Bye!

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