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>>Time Together<<

Well September is getting close to an end then October will be next. And if you're wondering, the project we were supposed to do in Mrs. Areum's class I got a 0 on it because well you know, stuff happened so I pretty much didn't have time...

"Hey Tae? Isn't there gonna be a carnival opening this weekend at Duryu Park?" Jungkook asks.

"Yes, why?" I ask while eating the bowl of Tteokbokki. "I was gonna ask you if wanted to go together Saturday night?" Jungkook asks nervously and I could definitely tell.

"Yes, I would like that Mr. Jeon." I say with a smile plastered on my face. He looks at me and smiles widely.

His bunny teeth. Oh god.


Class was over so I decided to stop by Jin's bakery. As I was walking somebody grabbed my hand and walked beside me.

I look and noticed it was Jungkook. "I'm going to walk with you." He says smiling. I nod and just smile.

We walked in and all of a sudden I see Jin scream. I close my eyes and let go of Jungkook's hand and walk over to Jin.

"Jin! Why are you screaming?" I say and slap his shoulder. "Ow~ Come with me now." Jin says and grabs my arm leading me to the kitchen.

"What?" I ask. "WHY ARE HOLDING HANDS WITH JUNGKOOK?" Jin yells with a mad yet exciting voice.

"Wait! Do you know his name?!?" I say surprised. "Namjoon told me!!" Jin yells again.

"Calm down!" I say and huff. "Okay Okay. Are you guys dating? How come you didn't tell me this? Are you guys using protection? Tell me."

I widened my eyes and slap his shoulder again. "Yah! We are not dating and I might've went to a party with Jimin and Jimin just let me free then I happened to get drunk and found Jungkook and we might've done it. And now he is clingy to me and I am a little." I explained. "Also Jimin is being a meanie so I told him I didn't want to be friends anymore..." I said sighing.

"Woah... WAIT WHAT MY BABY LOST HIS VIRG— JEON JUNGKOOK IMMA BEAT YOUR ASS NOW!!" Jin screams and stomps out walking to Jungkook with a angry face expression.

Jungkook looked at Jin and smiled but then noticed how scary Jin looked and his face was now full of fear. "Uh— TAAAEEE!!!!"

I saw Jin start screaming in Jungkook's face and hitting his arm repeatedly. "Jin!! Get away from him!!" I yell and run after Jin and try to pull him off.



After calming down Jin, we talked and explained everything to him. He literally had to splash coffee on Jungkook's shirt and he had to get an ice pack to make himself cool down from the anger that was making him so freaking hot and sweaty.

This is why I can never get mad at Jin. He's scary when he's mad. "Are you okay Jin?" I ask.

He nods his head and looks at Jungkook. "Sorry for splashing coffee on you and screaming in your face... and hitting you." Jin apologizes.

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