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It's Wednesday and today their was no school due to a teacher conference or something eh I don't know, but I'm a bit sad because I didn't get to see that Jungkook boy.

Right now I'm with Jiminie at the bakery just talking whiling eating strawberry cheesecake.

"It's weird how that Jungkook kid is popular now at school." Jimin said while jabbing the cheesecake with a fork.

'How does he know his name?' I thought. 'Was he listening to our short conversation in class?'

"Eh, I don't know maybe cause he is new student and he can get a lot of attention from people?" I say with a awed face expression.

I look at Jimin and I jolted a little bit because he was smiling widely at me. I just smiled and look back at my cheesecake.

Then all of a sudden I heard shifting noises, I look up again and saw Jimin next to me giving me his eye smile.

I just showed my rectangular smile and then he starting hugging me. "Jiminie~" I coo.

"Taetae~" He says hugging me tighter. I giggle and felt myself blush. But then all of a sudden the door opens.

I smirk as I saw who it was.

Kim Namjoon.

"Jinnie!~ You're boyfriend is here!" I yell teasingly. Namjoon looks over to me and gives me a glare.

"Shut. up. Tae." Jin walks in with a annoyed face. "I know you liked it." I said smirking. I softly push Jimin off making him frown but he held my hand instead.

I left it alone and heard the door bell ring thingy go off again making me look that direction.

My mouth gaped open without me noticing

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My mouth gaped open without me noticing.

Nobody's P.O.V.
Once Jungkook walked in, he already spotted his angel but he felt anger rush inside of him.

He saw that short boy holding his angels hand.

Meanwhile Taehyung was flustered seeing Jungkook again. Jimin on the other hand was jealous seeing Taehyung gaze at Jungkook.

So Jimin tightened his hand on Taehyung's. "Owwwee!~ Jiminie it hurts~" Taehyung whined.

Jimin still tightens his hand ignoring Taehyung. "Jiminie! You can stop now! Ah!!" Taehyung whimpered while closing his eyes tightening them from the pain.

Jin, Namjoon, and Jungkook ran up to Jimin and pulled his hand away from Taehyung.

Jin looked at Taehyung's hand and notice it was red from Jimin's grip. "Oh no. Tae are you okay?" Jin asked worriedly.

"It hurts Hyungie~" Taehyung whimpered. "Aish come with me." Jin says and Taehyung followed him.

Meanwhile, Jimin finally got to his senses and kept arguing with Namjoon about wanting to apologize to Taehyung.

But Namjoon refused and kept scolding him. "You know Taehyung is fragile like that! Why didn't you listen?" Namjoon argued.

"I'm sorry, I was mad!" Jimin said sternly.

Jungkook still felt upset so he grabbed Jimin's wrist and went outside.

"Yah! What are you doing you prick?" Jimin yelled. "Prick? You're calling me the 'prick' even though you were the one hurting my angel!" Jungkook yelled.

"You're angel?! He's my angel!" Jimin argued. Jungkook scoffed and just glared a Jimin. Jungkook grabbed Jimin by the collar and spoke.

"I'll make him mine." Jungkook said and let go of Jimin while walking back inside clearly pissed off.

Word Count: 575
Hewo~ I know this is a short chapter, it's just an update. Thank you for reading this chapter. Love you my lovelies! Bye Bye. (*^ω^*)❤️  



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-Mum out. ⭐️

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