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>>Forgotten pt. 2<<

My breath hitched once I saw them both holding hands. I just stood there shocked but then Jungkook stands up and heads over my way.

He smiles and then I look at him and just smile lightly trying hide the pain that is slowly making its way to my heart.

"Taehyung meet my uh... friend! Tzuyu!" Jungkook says then grabs my arm and leads me towards the girl Tzuyu.

Tzuyu stood up and smiled at me. "Hi! Like Jungkook said, I'm Tzuyu! And your name is?" She asked while tilting her head.

"Taehyung..." I say and smile at her. "Nice name!" She compliments while smiling widely at me.

'Maybe she isn't so bad...' I say feeling a bit relieved.


After introducing each of us, we just had coffee and some sweets. But it was mostly us just talking about all kinds of topics.

I thought Tzuyu is a good person. She is really nice and she is just... a good person.

God! My plan worked!

I was surprised when Taehyung and Jimin came. I just was, I don't know scared? Or I just felt like I didn't care...?

But everything was fine now. We all were just chatting that's most likely it.

C.T.Y (Chou Tzuyu)
The thing is I know that Kid Taehyung already. And I knew that waitress Jin.

Aish! Who knew they could be this pathetic! Especially Taehyung. I had my eyes set on Jungkook before Taehyung did. Jungkook is mine!

I'm gonna make him mine. And I'm gonna remove Taehyung from his life! I mean I did make good process happen so far!

Taehyung is ugh! I don't wanna start with him.


After it got a little bit darker the four of us decided it was time to get home. Jimin was gonna go his separate way and so was Jungkook.

Tzuyu thought it would be a good idea to walk together and get to know each other more.

After saying goodbye to everyone Tzuyu grabbed my arm and then looked back to everyone and waved then smiled.

We walked away and then all of a sudden Tzuyu yanks my arm away and then she pushes me onto the road.

I then look at her with a shocked expression. And before I could say anything, everything went black.

Word Count: 438
Hello my lovelies! ( ̄∇ ̄) Looks like I left you guys with a huge cliffhanger. Keke! I'll update tomorrow or Monday okey? Or maybe even on Tuesday... heuheu! Well I gotta go to sleep now! Night everyone! Ilysm! Bye bye! 💕



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