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//Love and Hatred//

After I dropped Tae off, I went to the drug store to buy some pain pills for Taehyung then I would go back.

It only took me like what ten minutes so once I left the store I went straight back to Tae's house.

While I was walking and saw Taehyung's home I instantly spotted someone running behind Taehyung's house grumbling something but I didn't know what exactly that person was saying.

I got worried and ran up to the door and could hear very faint whimpers so I try to open the door but it was locked.

"Shit." I mutter. I then grab ahold of the door knob and use all my weight to burst through the door and it worked.

I widened my eyes at what I saw. That dick head Jimin on top of Taehyung while looking at me smirking.


I growl and go after Jimin and grab him by the collar lifting him off of Taehyung.

I glare at him and speak. "Look you crazy bastard. I don't know what you are thinking right now but you know doing something like this to a precious person is a very cruel thing to do, you know?" I say angrily.

He just smiles at me and talks back. "Haha. Look you fuck boy. Taking advantage of a precious person like sleeping with them is a very cruel thing to do, you know?"

I felt my blood boil so I instantly threw a punch to his face and keep punching until his nose was bleeding and his eyes was bloodshot red.

"Jungkook! Stop! Stop!" Taehyung says and gets up whimpering while trying to pull me away from this cock shit in front of me.

Before I could stop beating this short ass dude up I lift him up from the floor and drag him to the front door and threw him to the ground while feeling myself calm down a bit.

I pull Taehyung into a hug and spoke to the useless dick outside of Taehyung's house.

"I don't think my Tae would want you're short ass as his boyfriend so why don't you go home and maybe grow a bit will ya?" I say and shut the door.

I pull away from Tae and cup his cheeks. "Are you okay? Is my baby Tae okay?" I say with a worried tone.

"I'm fine Jungkook..." Taehyung whines and leans in to hug me.

"Thank you Jungkookie." Taehyung whispers. I could feel my heart beat increase. Taehyung pulls away once again but this time unexpectedly he kissed me on the cheek making me blush madly.

He giggles making my heart beat incredibly fast. "Cute." I mutter.

"What was that?" Taehyung asks with a sweet smile plastered onto his beautiful face.

I shook my head and just smile.

~ Two Days later ~

As I got to class I saw Jimin sitting in his seat while staring at me. I felt myself tense so I tried to avoid any eye contact with Jimin.

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