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"Chou Tzuyu." the man said quickly and looked at all of us.

i close my eyes and nodded, "of course."

but then i furrowed my eyebrows, "where is she?" i asked.

"i don't know." he replied.

"you don't know?! you should know you piece of shit!!" hoseok yelled while smacking his hands onto the metal table.

the man flinched in fear and started trembling, "i-i don't know w-where she is!! i s-swear!"

"okay, okay." namjoon said and looked at us.

"listen, if you tell us where she is, then we will let you free." i said and lifted my eyebrows.

he looked at me and he looked down, "she's at gangsu hotel."

"alright." i said and i looked at the police men nodding.

"let's go."


we arrived at the hotel and namjoon went to ask the lady at the front desk which room she is in.

i stood at the staircase and then all of a sudden i saw a red figure walking upstairs.

i followed the figure and noticed it was tzuyu.

she turns around and then her expression turned into a shocked one, "jungkook?"

she then walked over to me, "i missed you." she hugged me and i just stood there.

tzuyu pulled away and then grabbed my arm, "let's go to my room."

i look back at namjoon and he was looking at me, i mouthed "get ready" he nodded and went back outside to get the police men.

her room wasn't that far, "floor 2, room 103." i said into the mic that was clipped onto my shirt.

we reached her room and she opened the door, she walked in first then i did.

"jungkook, why did you chose that bitch kim taehyung instead of me?" she asked and then pushed me onto the couch.

i fall back and then she climbs on top of me trailing her finger from my thigh to my chest, "i missed you~" she purred.

i felt disgusted, "wanna know why i chose him over you?" i asked.

she looked at me with a pout and nodded, ew.

"because he'll be better than you'll ever be. you're a crazy hoe! trying to kill my precious taehyung! how could you?!" i yelled and then pushed her off making her fall to the ground, i then pull her hands to her back.

"chou tzuyu. you're under arrested." i cuffed her and then the police come barging in.

i let her go and stood back up, namjoon ran to my side and touched my shoulder, "good job kook."

we watched the police take tzuyu and she screams, "but i love you jeon jungkook!"

i chuckle and shook my head, "i love kim taehyung."

~ 2 months later ~

word count: 524
helloo. i'm back! i'm so sorry for not updating in a long time... i've been having a tough time these past weeks so it puts me down a lot so i can't focus on wattpad as much. i miss you guys and thank you for 500 followers. i love you all soo much. i hope you guys didn't die on me.



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